Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, August 26, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN August 26, 2024 16:02
By RBN August 26, 2024 16:02
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  1. Edward August 26, 16:08

    Jimbo, hearty congrats on your first year at RBN. Let the bubbly flow and with our best wishes that you continue doing the great job you are doing and remain healthy!!

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  2. Austin 3:16 August 26, 18:26

    Meanwhile.. it’s Jim’s very first year anniversary on RBN! One of the greatest most hilarious shows on here! Love it! Love it! GOOD STUFF! We need Jim Fetzer RBN t-shirts that say MEANWHILE on them with Jim’s face.

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  3. OvertonWindow August 27, 11:23

    Rick from Az was right about what will happen to RFK jr if Trump gets elected; he will disappear from the scene, no longer being of any use. As for Sycophant Tom, this guy needs a checkup from the neck up. Anybody that obsessed with Trump, there is something wrong, mentally there.That there are people like Tom running loose in society is scary, indeed.

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  4. PoliticalAthiest August 28, 18:16

    I guess old Jim deletes comments he doesn’t like. Mine is not here, so what else could it be? Don’t criticize anybody else in the future when they censor.

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    • OvertonWindow August 28, 18:21

      Disregard above comment. Found my comment on here after all. Sorry to have accused you, Jim. Posted as OvertonWindow, then forgot user name, so posted as PoliticalAthiest. Some wierd computer glitch or something caused my original comment to not be there and that is why I complained. Can’t figure out how to delete an unwanted comment.

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      • RBN Author August 29, 20:15

        Sorry but we must approve your first comments, especially if you use a different IP address, and possibly if you change usernames, etc.
        RBN staff

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