Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, August 7, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN August 7, 2024 15:19


Russia under attack, Russia saying United States weapons used and planned by US and Great Britain and more

What the Ukraine war has in common with Vietnam | Responsible Statecraft

US Airstrikes Pound Yemen as Region Is on Brink of Major War

Iran to use all capacities to respond to Haniyeh assassination; US has ‘undeniable’ role: Judiciary

Hundreds of Iranian Missiles in Firing Positions: Targeting Strategic Facilities Across Jerusalem – US Sends F-22 and F/A-18 Squadrons

Former Israeli PM Threatens U.S. Will Get ‘A Re-Run Of 9-11’ If It Doesn’t Fight Israel’s Wars

The Road to War, by Paul Craig Roberts

August 6 – The West Can Start a Nuclear War Any Time It Wants | The Truthseeker

Gaza As A New(?) Western Method To Wage War

Israel Sure Looks Like It Wants To Prevent Peace And Start A New War | by Caitlin Johnstone

As Israeli leaders celebrate assassinations, the living pay the price

Ismail Haniyeh killing: Netanyahu’s only goal is to set the region on fire

Nasrallah Vows ‘Strong’ Response to Israeli Killing of Hezbollah Commander Is Coming

Report: Putin Asks Iran To Avoid Civilian Casualties in Reprisal Attack on Israel

Film Emerges of the Workings Inside the Israeli Sodomizer Prison

Israeli rape of detainees is the result of a society that sees Palestinians as ‘human animals’ – Mondoweiss

Palestinians in Hebron blocked from receiving medical care: MSF

Malnutrition up 300 percent as Smotrich says Gaza should starve

UK riots: Just ignore the real problem and blame it all on the ‘far right’

Guardian Claims That Someone, Somewhere is Trying to Guide Anti-Stabbing Movement to Attack Jews, by Andrew Anglin

As the UK is dealing with mass riots the police are focused on arresting people for Facebook post

BBC Describes Violent Birmingham Riot As “Largely Peaceful”
UK police arrest two pro-Palestine activists under organised crime laws | UK news

Poll: Most Americans Oppose Sending U.S. Troops to Defend Israel
Kamala Harris Picks Progressive Favorite Tim Walz for VP

Jewish Democrats Say Criticisms of Gov. Josh Shapiro Are ‘Clearly Anti-Semitic
GOP Cry ‘Anti-Semitism’ After Kamala Harris Picks Tim Walz Over Josh Shapiro for VP

Four straight minutes of Kamala Harris being “unburdened”

What Trump’s Claim that Kamala Didn’t Use to Be Black Portends, by Steve Sailer
Why Did America Give Away Its Manufacturing Jobs?, by Paul Craig Roberts

Another Squad Member Ousted From Congress: Missouri’s Cori Bush Loses Primary

The Trump Assassination Attempt & The Kennedy Connection | ZeroHedge
Harvard Loses Bid To Toss Lawsuit Over Campus Anti-Semitism | ZeroHedge

The plan to keep B-52s flying is getting even pricier – Defense One

General Dynamics Secures $1.3B Materials Contract for US Navy Block VI Virginia Submarines

Colossal Boeing Starliner Failure Leaves Astronauts Stranded on Space Station: SpaceX to the Rescue?

“This Boxer Is Male”: IBA Holds Press Conference To Address Olympic Gender Issue

Boxer Who Failed Gender Tests Advances To Gold Medal Match After Dominating Another Female Opponent

By RBN August 7, 2024 15:19
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  1. peg August 7, 17:32

    Sad to say this was a hideous presentation of stories. Listening to the 4 minute vid of Kamala is like water boarding, but that video has been around for WEEKS. I skimmed thru that and the other vid you played. Basically, you did about FIVE MINUTES on Paul Craig Robert’s FILES. Um. Huh?

    All old stuff. And you think Israel will be destroyed in a few days? Really. When you are wrong, will you put in a retraction?

    This is not the Fetzer I was always a fan of. Almost incoherent readings of war in the middle east articles in the midst of a huge election in less than 100 days. Did James Donald Bowman wear eyeliner when he sat in an office as a public affairs officer in the Marines, mainly at Cherry Point? Something to talk about. Your predictions in the last months have been wrong. 2020: Hillary will run
    2024: Newsome will be the Biden Replacement along with Michelle. WWIII will erupt. Tucker Carlon (lol) will be VP. Of course Israel will do a false flag. Of course it will be blamed on Iran or Hamas. Sort of a given. But how this show can continue is beyond me.

    In addition, I NEVER listen to your second hour. It is also and incoherent, tipsy group of callers that just spit out random fox news pieces and go off on weird tangents, sometimes while sitting on the toilet. But I am certain no one followed this hour. And I have a memory too. This is not good radio. Just bad.

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  2. LongTimeAgo August 8, 01:12

    Jim Fetzer voted twice for Obama? What ? Really? Why? Address that one Jim. I guess all professors really are libs

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  3. Jack Brody August 12, 10:01

    “Israeli rape of detainees is the result of a society that sees Palestinians as ‘human animals'”

    Remember that the Jews created the ADL because they were outraged that a Jew was hanged for raping and killing an Aryan girl. (Many people don’t know how to use “hanged” and “hung”. Example of correct usage: “After the executioner hung his coat in the closet, he hanged the prisoner.”)

    “[S]he must be executed, even if she was raped by the Jew: ‘If a Jew has coitus with a Gentile woman, whether she be a child of three or an adult, … she must be killed, as is the case with a beast, because through her a Jew got into trouble.'” — Israel Shahak; Jewish History, Jewish Religion; “The Laws against Non-Jews”

    “Scher, who was the Israeli vice-consul in Rio, and at one point the consul-general, was charged with running an illegal child pornography and prostitution business….

    “After Brazilian authorities notified the Israeli embassy of plans to revoke Scher’s diplomatic immunity, he fled….

    Ma’ariv reported that Israel refused to extradite Scher and instead conducted its own investigation. They found that Scher had merely ‘behaved inappropriately for a diplomat.’ And banned him from foreign diplomatic missions for five years.

    “A spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, Mark Regev, confirmed the disciplinary hearing upon Scher’s return from Brazil five years ago. ‘He was a young and single man at the time. Now … there is no reason why he shouldn’t make an excellent diplomatic appointment in Australia,’ Regev told the Herald on Friday.” (

    Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world—only to serve the People of Israel…. They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat.”

    Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh: “If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value. There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.”

    Revilo P. Oliver (The Jewish Strategy; chap. IX):

    “Before this [about 1904], the aliens seem to have been content to exploit the Aryans and, in biological terms, feed on them; the present objective is obviously extermination of our species through mongrelization and massacres….

    The Jew Noel Ignatiev:
    “The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. … Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed—not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.

    After elements of the Japanese military attacked part of the U.S. navy in 1941, the U.S. declared war on Japan, put all Japanese in America in concentration camps, and nuked two Japanese cities.

    In 1967, elements of the Israeli military deliberately and knowingly attacked part of the U.S. navy. (There is no doubt that the attack was deliberate and not accidental. U.S. personnel heard the radio communications between the Israeli jets and their High Command.)

    Why doesn’t the U.S. treat Israel and the Jews the same way that it treated Japan and the Japanese?

    1. Declare war on Israel.
    2. Put all Jews in concentration camps.
    3. Nuke Tel Aviv.

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