RBN has planted him there with a guaranteed 10 minutes of banter where he says fuck all of value to the audience which I remind everyone, is worldwide so make an effort. JB can come on once a week if he has something to share, not just tripe.
RBN has planted him there with a guaranteed 10 minutes of banter where he says fuck all of value to the audience which I remind everyone, is worldwide so make an effort. JB can come on once a week if he has me something to share, not just tripe.
If, as I had suggested, you invited Ryan Dawson on your show. He did a lot of very interesting research on “The Biden Family” which for vested interests has not even been mentioned on RBN. Ryan lays out that family of bottom feeders. RBN is shit scared.
This meanwhile stuff is absolutely SENSATIONAL! Love it! Love it! Love it!
Kash will do NADA. He will do nothing. Fools like JB are blowing it out of their asses. Come on.Nothing will get down.
JP seems like a Qtard cuckservative.
RBN has planted him there with a guaranteed 10 minutes of banter where he says fuck all of value to the audience which I remind everyone, is worldwide so make an effort. JB can come on once a week if he has something to share, not just tripe.
RBN does NOT ‘plant’ callers, Edward. C’mon… All are welcome (aside from established trouble-makers / habitual rule-breakers).
RBN has planted him there with a guaranteed 10 minutes of banter where he says fuck all of value to the audience which I remind everyone, is worldwide so make an effort. JB can come on once a week if he has me something to share, not just tripe.
If, as I had suggested, you invited Ryan Dawson on your show. He did a lot of very interesting research on “The Biden Family” which for vested interests has not even been mentioned on RBN. Ryan lays out that family of bottom feeders. RBN is shit scared.