Under the top soil of GAZA lies trillions of dollars of methane and petrol. Already, contracts have been awarded by israel to private firms to mine. Setting the stage has been one atrocity after another on the Palestiian residents, half a million women and children have been killed, reporters killed, first responders killed, medical staff killed, doctors killed, aid in the form of water and food blocked by israel. Every atrocity imaginable has been inflicted by israel AND the US on GAZA and now TRumpter lament their plight and wants to remove them from their ancestral land. NOT ON.
Playing LIVE at an a i theater somewhat near YOU !:
Moshaich Donald and the HINDJEWS !
*Vaxx passport up to date to enter !
Under the top soil of GAZA lies trillions of dollars of methane and petrol. Already, contracts have been awarded by israel to private firms to mine. Setting the stage has been one atrocity after another on the Palestiian residents, half a million women and children have been killed, reporters killed, first responders killed, medical staff killed, doctors killed, aid in the form of water and food blocked by israel. Every atrocity imaginable has been inflicted by israel AND the US on GAZA and now TRumpter lament their plight and wants to remove them from their ancestral land. NOT ON.