Tom should only be allowed to call in once a show. He’s all over the place, never makes a succinct point and essentially brings little to the show. Often times I just forward through his calls when listening on the archive. I’ve been listening to RBN for years and if you’ve heard one Tom in Florida phone call, you’ve heard them all!
Mike Rivero would tell him in those days, Tom, Tom, Tom, slow down you’ve been drinking way too much coffee. Tom can be fun – he takes all of this seriously.
Lucas, exactly. Fetzer said Frances in North Carolina was stylized in her calls. Tom takes the cake. He diverts the discussion to one that suits him. I’d rather listen to Frances, to be honest.
TGIF, get some rest Jimbo. We need you strong and healthy. Make a long weekend of it.
Tom should only be allowed to call in once a show. He’s all over the place, never makes a succinct point and essentially brings little to the show. Often times I just forward through his calls when listening on the archive. I’ve been listening to RBN for years and if you’ve heard one Tom in Florida phone call, you’ve heard them all!
Mike Rivero would tell him in those days, Tom, Tom, Tom, slow down you’ve been drinking way too much coffee. Tom can be fun – he takes all of this seriously.
Lucas, exactly. Fetzer said Frances in North Carolina was stylized in her calls. Tom takes the cake. He diverts the discussion to one that suits him. I’d rather listen to Frances, to be honest.