Tom from Utah, a kind hearted and erudite gentlemen said it, “We the listeners are tired of these two fencers”. We sponsor ergo if we sponsor and pay, somone should listen.
Everyone should read Hinton Rowan Helper. Not the introduction, but the quotes from people who explored Africa way back in the day. It tells a lot about the true culture of our friends, which tells a lot about what they are doing today.
Jim is a hypocrite. The minute someone criticizes or wants to defend their positions after being slammed by his buddy Layla, he immediately tries to shut them down. But when Layla calls in he doesn’t interrupt her and attempt to shut her up. Layla is horrible and awful on the ears. This time slot was a lot better when Mike Rivero was the host.
Alexander is a prop to disrupt. He is nul but thinks he is brining something to this show. We have to learn to cul.
He and Layla need to get in touch and argue on their time/dime. Tired of their spats.
Tom from Utah, a kind hearted and erudite gentlemen said it, “We the listeners are tired of these two fencers”. We sponsor ergo if we sponsor and pay, somone should listen.
It’s good to hear from Frances again.
Stop taking calls from Layla and Alexander. Help them obtain each other’s phone number and let them have their cat fights on their air time.
Everyone should read Hinton Rowan Helper. Not the introduction, but the quotes from people who explored Africa way back in the day. It tells a lot about the true culture of our friends, which tells a lot about what they are doing today.
Good lead
Jim is a hypocrite. The minute someone criticizes or wants to defend their positions after being slammed by his buddy Layla, he immediately tries to shut them down. But when Layla calls in he doesn’t interrupt her and attempt to shut her up. Layla is horrible and awful on the ears. This time slot was a lot better when Mike Rivero was the host.