Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, July 17, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN July 17, 2024 16:04
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  1. Dave NY July 17, 16:34


    In my call to this show at the 37:07 timestamp, We pointed out Propaganda with False Information regarding Virology. The two examples are

    1. In the video: “THe Fallacies of Virology ….” i mentioned previously that there were a number of factual errors in the first 52 seconds of this video. Particularly, today, quoting from the transcript of this video:
    “Isolation …….has never been done with a virus.”

    The Fallacies of Virology and the Inversion of Natural Health (

    2. Revealed: The SARS-CoV-2 Sequencing Sham (

    Which states: “By the 1980s, virology still had yet to find and isolate a single virus (it still hasn’t).

    Yet looking at the following review article:

    Crystallography Reviews, 2015 Vol. 21, Nos. 1–2, 3–56,

    A guide to the crystallographic analysis of icosahedral viruses
    Alexander McPherson∗ and Steven B. Larson
    Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
    (Received 13 August 2014; accepted 5 September 2014

    A guide to the crystallographic analysis of icosahedral viruses (

    On page 9, we see Table 1 listing 108 viruses (whose structures) were solved by X-Ray Crystallography. This means that the virus must be “isolated”, meaning a quantity of Virus particles were purified enough to precipitate crystals of high quality from a solution and crystallized and its structure was determined by the long-standing method of X-Ray Crystallographic Analysis.

    Table 1. Crystallization precipitants for viruses solved by X-ray diffraction as reported in the PDB Protein Data Base).
    Precipitant Number of crystals Precipitant amount
    (1) PEGs 8000 None
    (4) Ammonium sulphate 10 1.5–2.5 M most common
    (5) Other salts 18 1.0–2.0 M most common
    (6) MPD and hexanediol 5 10–50% v/v
    (7) Ethanol or propanol 2 15–25% v/v
    (8) Numerous virus crystals obtained by adjustment of pH – no reported precipitant.

    That’s 108 crystals whose structures were solved by X-Ray Diffraction.

    Many very important points are communicated in this Review Article:

    1. On Page 4:

    “1. Introduction The only intact viruses that have been, and probably can be, crystallized and studied by high resolution X-ray diffraction analysis are relatively small icosahedral viruses.
    Filamentous or helical, rod-shaped viruses, and others having asymmetric shapes or extreme aspect ratios may be studied by other kinds of X-ray diffraction, such as small-angle scattering or fibre diffraction, but those approaches, in general, do not yield models that are precise at the molecular level. This review will focus on small viruses with icosahedral capsids (sometimes referred to as spherical viruses) like those exemplified in Figure 1.”

    2. On page 5:

    “2. Production of viruses for X-ray diffraction Viruses intended for single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis are produced primarily in plants, in living insects, in cultured eukaryotic cells, especially insect cells, and in microorganisms. In plants, virus production is relatively straightforward, the required techniques are fairly simple, and the level of production generally high. In the latter cases, some significant difficulties may accompany the enterprise, more sophisticated methodology is required, and the yields are usually lower. Thus, it is not surprising that the earliest virus crystallography (see the review by MG Rossmann in this volume [15] and the review by DLD Caspar in preparation for Crystallography Reviews) was applied to plant viruses, and that the greater part of the virus structures that have been determined are plant viruses, trailed by insect viruses. ”

    NEVER have the publications upon which this review article is based been refuted by anyone here, nor have I seen any of the No Virus Crowd refute any such publication. Fantastic Claims (viruses have never been isolated), require Profound Evidence. I simply do not see that Virology has been refuted. Is the best they can do these days is make unsubstantiated statements (like: “No virus has ever been isolated”) with no substantial proof, logic or basis and expect the unwitting to accept them ?

    There are only 187 reference citations in this McPherson & Larson paper to refute. Good Luck.

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  2. Nick Dalton July 17, 16:43

    Jim thanks for another great show. I am in partnership with a family of terrible people, Jewish communists, they aren’t very good at what they do, but they work with dirty cops to put their competitors out of business. Really sick things these people do, I never knew until recently, they have been lying to me about this the whole time, blaming somebody else. What a terrible culture. Now I want nothing to do with those kinds of people.

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  3. Edward July 18, 06:24

    Vance will be our biggest nightmare. He was not chosen by Trump but he was selected and installled by the zios. He mantra is war, war and more war and whatever is good for the war machinery.

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  4. Edward July 18, 06:56

    Good call on Trump by Leila. Trump brags and loves to brag in cliches and he is a dimwit.

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  5. Halfjew July 18, 08:30

    Leila is a **** ***** [slur removed by RBN editor]. Did you know there were a shit load of Jews and Israelites outside of Israel before Christ. Where do you think Anglo-Saxon common law comes from? False opinions is the same as false witness, false prophecy and blasphemy.

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