Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, June 10, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN June 10, 2024 15:01

Putin: Wouldn’t Need Nukes to Defeat ‘Defenseless’ Europe

Ukraine Claims First-Ever Fighter Jet Strike On Russian Territory | ZeroHedge

Putin Invokes ‘Cuban Missile Crisis’ With Ships to Caribbean
France to send Mirage jets to Ukraine – but are they worth the bother?
Scott Ritter another American voice for sanity and peace gets cancelled

Scott Ritter Silenced by Liberal Authoritarians, by Patrick Lawrence

Double Feature: Hungarian PM Says the Danger of a new world war is growing and a New Enemies List, by Paul Craig Roberts
Could the American Army beat the Russian?

Four Hostages Freed; 274 Palestinians Killed –

Nuseirat “a bloodbath, a slaughterhouse” – Day 246
Israeli military used US ‘aid pier’ as part of Nuseirat massacre op.: Report

Jonathan Turley, Disinformation Allegations Fly at Harvard’s Disinformation Center

Alan Sabrosky on D-Day & USS Liberty, by Kevin Barretthttps://

USS Liberty Massacre: A Pivotal Moment in the Hostile Takeover of America

Sweden Introduces Draconian ‘Security Zone’ In Gang-Crime Hotspot, Indiscriminate Police Powers To Search Anyone

The dystopian future of military AI (VIDEO) | Responsible Statecraft

Evil Can Destroy the World, by Paul Craig Roberts

BREAKING: Judge Merchan Edited The “Tainted Jury” Facebook Post?

Trump verdict may be vacated after shocking news about juror

Democrat-appointed Trump witch hunt Judge Juan Merchan was stunned after he was hit with this nasty curveball

Australia PM Says Conviction Won’t Affect Relations If Trump Wins

Jack Smith is about to lose his case against Trump because of this judge’s decision

Trump Tower: Is Trump a Judas Goat?
Obama’s Brain to Dems: Stop Fantasizing (Video)

Tucker and Gongino got booted from FOX

Self-Defense Brigade Takes Charge: Residents in this US City Arm Themselves for Safetyhttps://

NRA 1, Liberal Tears 0: Supreme Court Backs Free Speech in Unanimous Decision
How Homicide Rates Have Changed Since 2012 By US State
COVID- (mRNA) Vaccines cannot be mandated — 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

Excess Deaths Explode Following Covid Vaccination

DEI Programs Could Soon Face Supreme Court | ZeroHedge

American Airlines Threatened With Travel Ban From NAACP After Passengers Removed For Body Odor | ZeroHedge

I Learned 227 Beatles Bass Lines And Discovered This…

By RBN June 10, 2024 15:01
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  1. Jack Brody June 10, 18:08

    “Sweden Introduces Draconian ‘Security Zone’ In Gang-Crime Hotspot”

    “[Sweden] now has the second-highest ‘official’ rape rate of any country. Its 53.2 rapes per 100,000 inhabitants is five times the United States’ rate and is only surpassed by Lesotho, a tiny nation in the middle of southern Africa.”

    “In Sweden one liberal newspaper editor responded to the latest polling triumphs by the … Sweden Democrats party by saying that he would be happy to flood Sweden with Islamic State fighters to punish the … electorate…. [M]ost media in Sweden is Jewish-owned….

    Joel Stein:
    Jews totally run Hollywood…. But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street, or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.”

    Barbara Spectre: “Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century…. They are now going into a multicultural mode. Jews will be resented because of our leading role.”

    The Jew Nicolas Sarkozy: “The goal is to meet the EU challenge of interracial marriage. It’s not a choice. It’s an obligation. If voluntarism does not work for the republic [France], then the state will move in with more coercive measures.

    Mark Collett ( (2018-10-26)):

    “IsraAID … is an Israeli NGO which doesn’t campaign for immigrants to come to Israel, but campaigns for open borders and mass immigration in Western nations.

    “IsraAID is now on the ground helping this caravan of immigrants to reach America, and they have even been putting stars of David on some of the trucks which are helping these people and delivering them aid to help them on their journey. And yet again, you can see this absolutely glaring hypocrisy where a group of people … who want their walled ethnostate, safe in the middle east, … are dispatching teams of NGOs all over the Western world … welcoming migrants.”

    Revilo P. Oliver (The Jewish Strategy; chap. IX):

    “Before this [about 1904], the aliens seem to have been content to exploit the Aryans and, in biological terms, feed on them; the present objective is obviously extermination of our species through mongrelization and massacres….

    The Jew Tim Wise:
    “Because [you White people] are on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving. In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won’t be any more white people around….”

    The Jew Noel Ignatiev:
    “The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. … Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed—not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.

    Keith Alexander (

    “[Jewish Supreme Court] Associate Justice Felix Frankfurter [and the Jew] Phillip Elman, [who] was … working with the NAACP, … met secretly … after hours and passed information back and forth, … giving the NAACP lawyers the benefit of an inside view of all of the court’s conversations and every justice’s viewpoint on the decision. This is information that was not provided to John W. Davis … , who was arguing against the plaintiff….

    “Brown versus the Board of Education [was] the landmark decision … to desegregate the schools and thus to derail White American society, culture, and government….”

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  2. Jack Brody June 10, 18:23

    “USS Liberty Massacre: A Pivotal Moment in the Hostile Takeover of America”

    Revilo P. Oliver (“A Bit of Good News”; Liberty Bell, Jan. 1992):

    “After twenty-four years, Mr. Porter disclosed the fact that his cryptographic staff in the [American] Embassy at Beirut [in 1967] had intercepted … communications between the commander of the Israeli air squadron and the Israeli High Command, which proved that the latter knew that the Liberty was an unarmed American naval vessel, and, over the aviator’s misgivings, ordered that the American ship be attacked and sunk….

    “When the Israeli … planes were sent to attack and destroy the ship, the Jewish commander, seeing that it was an American vessel, had misgivings and reported to the High Command, which simply repeated the orders to attack and sink the Liberty. Those were the messages intercepted by Mr. Porter’s staff in Beirut….

    Lyndon Johnson … ordered the Navy to cover up the attack and intimidate the survivors….

    Phil Tourney, survivor of the U.S.S. Liberty:

    “AIPAC, ADL run the show here, folks, no doubt about it; they buy off our congress with money, hookers, little boys; anything congress wants for their vote Israel will provide. Our congress is nothing more than a high-priced whorehouse. They are nothing more than streetwalkers, thieves in the night, and killers for hire.…”

    Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell; Dec. 1984):

    “They [Congress] have enslaved American taxpayers to the Jews’ Israel, and, although there are, no doubt, a few Americans who survive in the Congress by remaining silent on matters of prime importance, the Congress as a whole consists of Jews and shabbat goyim, and, for all practical purposes, it represents, not the American people who imagine they chose its members, but the international power that has occupied the country that the Americans did not have intelligence enough to keep for themselves.

    After elements of the Japanese military attacked part of the U.S. navy in 1941, the U.S. declared war on Japan, put all Japanese in America in concentration camps, and nuked two Japanese cities.

    In 1967, elements of the Israeli military deliberately and knowingly attacked part of the U.S. navy. (There is no doubt that the attack was deliberate and not accidental. U.S. personnel heard the radio communications between the Israeli jets and their High Command.)

    Why doesn’t the U.S. treat Israel and the Jews the same way that it treated Japan and the Japanese?

    1. Declare war on Israel.
    2. Put all Jews in concentration camps.
    3. Nuke Tel Aviv.

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  3. Shahe June 11, 00:08

    Missed today’s show and not sure if Fetzer covered Thomas Massie’s interview with Tucker Carlson where he mentioned the following:

    “Every member of Congress has an Israeli agent they have to meet with

    It pure insanity that we allow this”

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