Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, June 18, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN June 18, 2024 15:01

The Luxury Swiss Peace Summit Was A Flop

Kremlin Derides Outcome of Ukraine Talks Held Without Russia

Ukrainian ‘conscription squads’ dragging men off buses and forcing them to fight
The Ever Widening War, by Paul Craig Roberts

The summer of living dangerously, by Pepe Escobar

How much did the right really gain in Europe?

Europe’s Elections as a Mirror, by Patrick Lawrence

European mutiny at the illiberal order, by Alastair Crooke

Report: Blinken Told Netanyahu U.S. Will Remove All Limits on Arms Shipments to Israel
Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah stir U.S. fears of wider conflict

Eight soldiers killed in Rafah explosion, in deadliest incident for IDF in 6 months

Was the US Military involved in a heinous market massacre?

Times of London calls BS on major Oct 7 hoax

NY Times can’t even say ‘Palestinian land’

Dem Leader Hakeem Jeffries Demands ‘Immediate’ Passage of ADL-Backed ‘Countering Antisemitism Act

Excuses abound after Obama escorts Biden offstage following another apparent display of decrepitude BLASTS Biden for border policies after illegal immigrant charged with murder, rape of Maryland mother of 5

Robert F. Kennedy Angrily Responds To Stacey Plaskett’s Disgusting Accusations

The $PLC Massacre—Purging Pro-Palestinians?, by Patrick Cleburne

Experts Discuss Easily Hackable Voting Equipment

All hell broke loose after John Fetterman hit Democrats with this reality check about so-called “progressives”

Justice Department Won’t Prosecute Merrick Garland After House Contempt Vote

New Folger Shakespeare Library Head: “Woman Of Color” Who Wrote “Shakespeare Through Decolonization” And “The Great White Bard”

Max Blumenthal: The Washington Post’s Attack on The Grayzone, by Max Blumenthal and Robert Scheer

A Deluge of Pro-Israel PAC Donations in 2024 Elections

GOP trying to drive wedge between Dems with Israel votes

Can the USA Again Be Our Home? Part II, by Jared Taylor

Biden administration reportedly preparing to offer legal status to hundreds of thousands of immigrants

About 37 Black-On-White Homicides, Including Two Ninety-Somethings Killed in a Home Invasion!!, by Kenn Gividen

“Elon Musk: “I Am OFFICIALLY Buying Facebook!!””

PODCAST: The Great White Hope of Women’s Basketball, by Gregory Hood / American Renaissance

“The Fall of the House of Windsor” with Nick Kollerstromhttps://

By RBN June 18, 2024 15:01
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  1. Jack Brody June 19, 05:09

    “About 37 Black-On-White Homicides, Including Two Ninety-Somethings Killed in a Home Invasion”

    Dr. William L. Pierce (2000-09-09):
    “[A] 30-year-old White man … died in Tacoma … after being savagely beaten … by a gang of between 15 and 20 Blacks in what even the local newspapers described as a ‘thrill killing.’ … [T]he local news media had carefully avoided reporting a dozen other … beatings of White men … during the previous month.”
    “In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man. What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.

    David Duke; 2021-02-02 (; hr2020221):
    “Foster parents get money when they take a child…. So they got this Black pair, this man and woman; … the state gives … a very young girl [named Ariel Rose] … about three or four years old …, a little blonde, blue-eyed White kid, to these Blacks who really hated Whites anyway, and [B]they beat the little girl to death.[/B]”

    Mark Collett (
    “Chris Donald was a 15-year-old White, Scottish boy, and he was kidnapped and murdered in Glasgow in 2004 by a gang of men who were all of Pakistani origin…. They kidnapped him because … they wanted to kill a White boy…. They beat him, … they stabbed him multiple times, they set him on fire as he bled to death…. And during the vicious stabbing, they actually castrated him.”
    “In Stockholm … 20 Muslim men … began to assault the children, ripping their swimsuits off and beating the boys when they tried to stop the assault…. [T]he men cornered one of the [11-year-old] girls in a grotto in the bathhouse and gang raped her. The police refused to press any charges.”
    “In cases of gang rape, … the perpetrators are … mostly from Muslim countries…. Several times the courts have acquitted suspects who have claimed that the girl wanted sex with six, seven, or eight men.”

    The Jew Nicolas Sarkozy:
    “The goal is to meet the EU challenge of interracial marriage. It’s not a choice. It’s an obligation. If voluntarism does not work for the republic [France], then the state will move in with more coercive measures.

    The Jew Noel Ignatiev:
    “The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. … Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed—not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.

    Joel Stein:
    Jews totally run Hollywood…. But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street, or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.”

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