Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, June 25, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN June 25, 2024 15:03


Julian Assange has been freed!

Former CIA Chief Who Constructed Both Trump-Russia Narrative and Russian Biden Laptop Narrative, Says Terrorist Attack Imminent

4 dead, 151 injured as result of Sevastopol beach attack – local governor
( ‘

5 people, including 3 children, killed and 124 civilians were injured as a result of the Ukrainian Armed Forces attack on Sevastopol.(
HIGH ALERT Ukraine Use Outlawed USA Cluster Bombs To Attack Russia Killing Children And Beachgoers

Hal Turner – U.S. Drone Appears to Have Provided Target Coordinates for Ukraine Strike on Russian Civilians at Beach
Sevastopol and Dagestan attacks are part of a single chain leading to Ukraine – Russian legislator

At least six militants killed in Dagestan – media

Israeli Officials Signal Coming War in Lebanon

‘The American red light against an Israeli offensive in Lebanon has turned orange’
An Israel offensive into Lebanon risks an Iranian military response, top US military leader says
Col. Douglas Macgregor REVEALS: US Carrier Battle Group Will Join the CONFLICT in Lebanon
Clashes In Israel’s Tel Aviv; Thousands Cry ‘Kick Out Netanyahu’ As Israel Erupts Against Bibi

Will Israel’s New Ultra-Extremist Cabinet Spark World War III?, by Kevin Barrett’s-new-ultra-extremist-cabinet-spark-world-war-iii/

PSYOP-WW3 RISING: America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 year olds

“We need icebreakers” – and more strategic partnerships, by Pepe Escobar

European mutiny at the illiberal order, by Alastair Crooke

Prof. Mearsheimer WARNS: the Lobby May Cause a US CONFLICT with Hezbollah, Iran, and Russia

Shadow of Ezra on X: “David Saltzman, a member of the Chabad-Lubavitch Synagogue in Brooklyn, New York, where underground tunnels were discovered earlier this year, admitted on a podcast that rituals were being performed underground

TX AG @KenPaxtonTX & : Show How Dems Plan To Steal 2024 Election with Invader votes!

Biden Regime amnesties 350,000 illegal aliens, by Paul Craig Roberts

Louis CK accidentally reveals the bigger plot behind flooding the US with illegals—no, it’s not just for votes…

“This is the Definition of Corruption” — AG Merrick Garland is Now Calling GOP Lawmakers, Coercing Them Not to Vote for ‘Inherent Contempt’

‘Do You Hear Us’: Indian-American Student Shruthi Kumar Slams Harvard Over Response to Gaza Protests

The Future of Christianity, by Jared Taylor

Can the USA Again Be Our Home? Part II, by Jared Taylor

California Humiliated by Alarming New Record – Now Ranks 1st Place for This Deadly Problem

Men Are Not Disposable, by Ted Rall

NYT: Why don’t Turkish Germans root for the German soccer team?, by Steve Sailer

Caitlin Clark FUNNY Commentary   #shorts

Women’s Basketball Star Caitlin Clark Suffers Ruptured Eardrum from Hard Screen During Game Against New York Liberty (VIDEO)

Being Frank About Costco’s $1.50 Hot Dog Combo

Does the $1.5b fine against Alex Jones make you more or less inclined to believe the conventional Sandy Hook story?

By RBN June 25, 2024 15:03
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  1. Jack Brody June 26, 02:13

    “The Future of Christianity, by Jared Taylor”

    It’s my understanding that all of Samuel Jared Taylor’s children are bastards and that the mother’s name is Rich. Many believe that she is Jewish.

    Even if it can be proven that he is not the father of Jewish bastards, it would still be my opinion that he is a traitor. He always defends the enemy.

    He always blames Aryans. He never blames the Jews.

    Revilo P. Oliver (The Jewish Strategy; chap. IX):

    “Before this [about 1904], the aliens seem to have been content to exploit the Aryans and, in biological terms, feed on them; the present objective is obviously extermination of our species through mongrelization and massacres….

    Jerzy Potocki, Poland’s ambassador to the U.S.A. (January 12, 1939):

    “[I]n the United States … [p]ropaganda is mostly in the hands of the Jews who control almost 100 percent radio, film, daily and periodical press.”

    The Jew Tim Wise:
    “Because [you White people] are on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving. In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won’t be any more white people around….”

    Keith Alexander (

    “[Jewish Supreme Court] Associate Justice Felix Frankfurter [and the Jew] Phillip Elman, [who] was … working with the NAACP, … met secretly … after hours and passed information back and forth, … giving the NAACP lawyers the benefit of an inside view of all of the court’s conversations and every justice’s viewpoint on the decision. This is information that was not provided to John W. Davis … , who was arguing against the plaintiff….

    “Brown versus the Board of Education [was] the landmark decision … to desegregate the schools and thus to derail White American society, culture, and government….”

    Joel Stein:
    Jews totally run Hollywood…. But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street, or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.”

    Mark Collett ( (2018-10-26)):

    “IsraAID … is an Israeli NGO which doesn’t campaign for immigrants to come to Israel, but campaigns for open borders and mass immigration in Western nations.

    “IsraAID is now on the ground helping this caravan of immigrants to reach America, and they have even been putting stars of David on some of the trucks which are helping these people and delivering them aid to help them on their journey. And yet again, you can see this absolutely glaring hypocrisy where a group of people … who want their walled ethnostate, safe in the middle east, … are dispatching teams of NGOs all over the Western world … welcoming migrants.”

    The Jew Nicolas Sarkozy:
    “The goal is to meet the EU challenge of interracial marriage. It’s not a choice. It’s an obligation. If voluntarism does not work for the republic [France], then the state will move in with more coercive measures.

    The Jew Noel Ignatiev:
    “The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. … Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed—not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.

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