Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, June 6, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN June 6, 2024 15:11


Putin delivers speech at St. Petersburg Economic Forum

Putin says Russia could supply long-range weapons to hit Western targets
Putin warning: Russia could give long range weapons to others to strike the West
Droning Russia’s nuke radars is the dumbest thing Ukraine can do

Larry Johnson: Russia Is Flashing Red, the West Better Pay Attention
Ukraine Officers Say Recruits Arrive At Front Lines Pathetically Undertrained

Every Escalation Brings Washington Closer to Defeat in Ukraine

Col. Macgregor Warns NATO Trying To Start WWIII, Sending US TROOPS To Fight Russia On Front Line

US General Rejects Ukrainian Complaints about M1A1 Abrams Tank

Massacre of Dutch, Spanish and Czech NATO soldiers by Kh-47M2 Kinzhal shooting in Lviv!

Russia has exceeded NATO’s expectations – Stoltenberg

Could US Army Beat the Russians? Col Doug Macgregor Reveals Truth

Is Iranian military support for Russia’s war in Ukraine ‘at a new level’? | Russia-Ukraine war News

Buried in Steel: Military Production & NATO’s Proxy War in Ukraine

German Lawmaker Urges Activation Of 900,000 Reservists Over Russian Threat To Europe

Prof. Mearsheimer PREDICTS the CATASTROPHIC Outcomes of the Nato-Russia Confrontation

Aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower retreats 200 km north in Red Sea

UN Rights Office Criticises Israel Over Deaths of 500 Palestinians in West Bank

Israel’s war on Gaza live: Morgues overflow in central Gaza as Israel bombs | News | Al Jazeera
Miriam Adelson ‘Wants West Bank Annexation’ in Return for $100M Donation to Trump

Israelis Must Wake Up to the Plight of Palestinian Prisoners From Gaza and the West Bank – Opinion –

Fmr MIT Prof Jeremy England: Jews Must Reject ‘Lingering’ Christian Morality and Embrace Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza

Palestinian life under Israeli occupation: An illustrated guide

KKK Antisemite Biden Tells Time Magazine Bibi is Prolonging the Gaza Slaughter for Political Gain, by Andrew Anglin

Max Blumenthal, Chris Hedges & Chas Freeman on Why Israel instigates the US against Iran

WOKE MILITARY: U.S. Navy Special Warfare Command Posts Pride Month Graphic, Limits Replies

‘We are the world power’: Biden offers defense of US primacy

The US Is Discrediting All Arguments For Why It Should Lead The World | by Caitlin Johnstone

Trey Gowdy gave Donald Trump this surprising advice about stopping Democrats’ lawfare

The Trump Trial and our Injustice System, by Ron Paul

Morning Consult Poll: Trump Keeps Edge After Conviction

Massie: Is Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Office Constitutional?

San Francisco: Brutal Militarized Cops Arrest 70 Anti-Genocide Activists at Israeli Consulate, by Andrew Anglin

Why the cabal’s attacks on President Trump and Alex Jones are coordinated to steal the 2024 election by removing Trump from state ballots

Watch: Alex Jones Breaks Down as He Reveals Eminent Fed Attack on Infowars, by Andrew Anglin

BREAKING: Arizona GOP Files BOMBSHELL Lawsuit Against Corrupt Secretary of State After Discovering from 500,000 to 1.3 Million ILLEGAL Voters on State’s Voter Rolls

USS Liberty Massacre: A Pivotal Moment in the Hostile Takeover of America

Dr. Fauci Grilled by GOP Lawmakers About COVID Origin; Praised by Democrats

Neil deGrasse Tyson FURIOUS as host destroys his pro-transgender athlete narrative

Jewish Scholars: No Hard Evidence of Holocaust | The Truthseeker

By RBN June 6, 2024 15:11
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  1. Jack Brody June 6, 17:04

    “UN Rights Office Criticises Israel Over Deaths of 500 Palestinians in West Bank”

    “Israel’s war on Gaza live: Morgues overflow in central Gaza as Israel bombs”

    “Miriam Adelson ‘Wants West Bank Annexation’ in Return for $100M Donation to Trump”

    “Max Blumenthal, Chris Hedges & Chas Freeman on Why Israel instigates the US against Iran”

    “San Francisco: Brutal Militarized Cops Arrest 70 Anti-Genocide Activists at Israeli Consulate”

    “Fmr MIT Prof Jeremy England: Jews Must Reject ‘Lingering’ Christian Morality and Embrace Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza”

    Rabbi Manis Friedman: “I don’t believe in western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children…. The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women, and children (and cattle).”

    Yitzhak Shamir (in 1943): “Neither Jewish ethics nor Jewish tradition can disqualify terrorism as a means of combat. We are very far from having any normal qualms as far as our national war goes. We have before us the command of the Torah, whose morality surpasses that of any other body in the world: Ye shall blot them out to the last man.”

    Rabbi Ya’acov Perin: “One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.

    Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world—only to serve the People of Israel…. They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat.”

    Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh: “If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value. There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.”

    Richard Burton; The Jew, The Gypsy, and El Islam; chap. 4:
    “We read in the tract Sanhedrin … that the Gentile who strikes a Jew has committed a capital offence…. He who strikes a Jew strikes the Deity.

    Revilo P. Oliver; “THE ATHEIST” (Liberty Bell; Nov. 1992):
    “‘God is the Jewish People’ appears at first sight to be a paradoxical statement. But is it not logically implied by the otherwise amazing statement in the Talmud that when God has a problem, he consults the learned rabbis and follows their advice?”

    The Jew Noel Ignatiev: “The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. … Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed—not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.

    Mark Collett ( (2018-10-26)):

    “IsraAID … is an Israeli NGO which doesn’t campaign for immigrants to come to Israel, but campaigns for open borders and mass immigration in Western nations.

    “IsraAID is now on the ground helping this caravan of immigrants to reach America, and they have even been putting stars of David on some of the trucks which are helping these people and delivering them aid to help them on their journey. And yet again, you can see this absolutely glaring hypocrisy where a group of people … who want their walled ethnostate, safe in the middle east, … are dispatching teams of NGOs all over the Western world … welcoming migrants.”

    Barbara Spectre: “Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century…. They are now going into a multicultural mode. Jews will be resented because of our leading role.”

    The Jew Nicolas Sarkozy: “The goal is to meet the EU challenge of interracial marriage. It’s not a choice. It’s an obligation. If voluntarism does not work for the republic [France], then the state will move in with more coercive measures.

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  2. Jack Brody June 6, 17:12

    “USS Liberty Massacre: A Pivotal Moment in the Hostile Takeover of America”

    Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell; Dec. 1984):

    “They [Congress] have enslaved American taxpayers to the Jews’ Israel, and, although there are, no doubt, a few Americans who survive in the Congress by remaining silent on matters of prime importance, the Congress as a whole consists of Jews and shabbat goyim, and, for all practical purposes, it represents, not the American people who imagine they chose its members, but the international power that has occupied the country that the Americans did not have intelligence enough to keep for themselves.

    Phil Tourney, survivor of the U.S.S. Liberty:

    “AIPAC, ADL run the show here, folks, no doubt about it; they buy off our congress with money, hookers, little boys; anything congress wants for their vote Israel will provide. Our congress is nothing more than a high-priced whorehouse. They are nothing more than streetwalkers, thieves in the night, and killers for hire.…”

    Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell; Dec. 1984):

    “Dr. Ortiz in Lima can speak with a candor that Americans dare not attempt. He roundly says … , ‘The Congress of the United States is a political dungheap; the great majority of its members are hirelings, renegades, and traitors, who are deluding the public of that country; they have delivered their souls to the Communistic Jewish Satan … ‘”

    Joel Stein:
    Jews totally run Hollywood…. But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street, or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.”

    After elements of the Japanese military attacked part of the U.S. navy in 1941, the U.S. declared war on Japan, put all Japanese in America in concentration camps, and nuked two Japanese cities.

    In 1967, elements of the Israeli military deliberately and knowingly attacked part of the U.S. navy. (There is no doubt that the attack was deliberate and not accidental. U.S. personnel heard the radio communications between the Israeli jets and their High Command.)

    Why doesn’t the U.S. treat Israel and the Jews the same way that it treated Japan and the Japanese?

    1. Declare war on Israel.
    2. Put all Jews in concentration camps.
    3. Nuke Tel Aviv.

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  3. Jack Brody June 6, 17:19

    “Jewish Scholars: No Hard Evidence of Holocaust”

    Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell; November 1989):

    ” … we are told [in the Talmud] that when the wicked Romans took Bethar, they wantonly slew 400,000 x 10,000 (= four billion) sweet Sheenies. That figure could have been excogitated only by a kind of insanity that seems innate in the race…. The same passage gives a variant, also duly reported by Professor Butz: the horrid Romans killed only forty million (4000 x 10,000) of Yahweh’s darlings in little Bethar.

    “The lower figure, 40,000,000, is significant, for with it we come to the recent Holohoax. When the Yids concocted it as a device to paralyse the minds of gullible Aryans with fictitious guilt, they first thought of 40,000,000 as a good figure, but, having some qualms that the credulity of Aryans might not be quite infinite, they reduced it to 25,000,000, as in the famous ‘confessions’ extorted from Gerstein and then prudently decreased it to 12,000,000, before finally settling on 6,000,000 as the largest figure the boobs would accept without question. This figure is again habitual in Jewish bunkum. In the early years of this century Americans were assured that six million sweet Sheenies were suffering persecution in Russia (where the Czarist government was unable to restrain peasants from occasionally turning on their parasites).”

    Revilo P. Oliver; “Having It Both Ways” (Liberty Bell; April 1985):

    “The National Assembly elected a woman named Elizabeth Kopp to be one of seven members of the Federal Council…. [A] Jewish publication was proclaiming hosannas at their race’s glorious victory…. The underlying idea was that with one Jew on the Council, the predatory race would soon get control of it and could start putting the White population of Switzerland in its place.”
    “[H]e was prosecuted … for ‘denying’ the gas chambers and the six million figure…. [A] Swiss court sentenced him to 15 months imprisonment…. Rather than serve the sentence, … [Juergen] Graf went into exile. In 2001 he married a Russian historian in Moscow.”

    Jim Taylor; “The Murder of Eichmann” (Liberty Bell; August 1988; p. 26):

    “I informed him that the Israelis were hot on his trail and that they had made him number one on their most wanted list….

    “Right off, he made it quite clear that he would have no part of going to Chile for his own safety. He also made it a point to tell me that justice was on his side, because he had committed no crimes and had killed no Jews; but, on the other hand, had helped many of them to re-settle in Palestine….

    “I turned and asked him one more question, ‘If the Israelis do grab you, what will you do? How will you react?’

    “‘I will offer no resistance. I will cooperate fully. I will go along peacefully because I don’t believe I will be harmed.’

    “‘Then you’re a dead man.‘”

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