Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, March 26, 2025 Hour 2

By RBN March 26, 2025 16:06
By RBN March 26, 2025 16:06
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  1. Overton Window March 27, 12:19

    Re the incessant Trump praise by that windbag Tom: does he know when to shut up and stop monopolizing the time on Jim’s show? And Jim, you need to shorten up the amount of time this guy gets on. He gets way more time than anyone else, and is a Johnny-One-Note.

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    • Homos are Shilling for Trump March 29, 01:05

      Tom and Milies MUST be on Trumps (Jew) payroll. Once on that payroll they can make big contributions to RBN and secure more air times and get the obligatory ‘good call, good call’. Fetzer is a decent guy and intellectual powerhouse although I also sympathise for the caller on the 28th for holding Fetz to task as he didn’t see the big picture and Trump was very honest about all his plans.

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