Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, March 6, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN March 6, 2024 16:04
By RBN March 6, 2024 16:04
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  1. Isabella March 8, 12:51

    Obviously renee has never heard you dress down Paul. Of course she listens to the antiWhite-Man moron Jimmy Dore and his jew wife. renee is subversive. THAT CACKLE! Holy crap, that was worse than Hillary’s and in response to your question of her hatred for Whites, esp White Men indicated you def hit the nail on the head.
    The only purpose for her calls is to distract, divide, obfuscate, deflect and derail your show by making it about her batshit crazy calls. Exactly what a true narcissist wants and what hasbara agents are trained to do!

    Thanks for calling her slightly out in a polite way. I’d pay to hear Paul put her in her place. It seems like this is a boomer station, bc Paul’s opinions are mild to the genx and z generations. Maybe you boomers need to ‘GROW UP’ to quote a famous dead jewess.

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