Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, May 15, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN May 15, 2024 16:10
By RBN May 15, 2024 16:10
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  1. bob88 May 16, 07:29

    Why do you keep telling me that trump is going to be president Joe?

    Yes, It would behoove us to be honest with ourselves,
    that the jew is pushing trump at this point.

    That the jew is using its CNN to suddenly hurl insults at biden,
    after SINGING HIS PRAISES, for the last 4 years.

    The jew still needs to figure out a way,
    to make getting everything they wanted, for the last 4 years,
    seem like a problem with biden to liberal voters.

    And the jew still need YOU to vote for trump, to get him in there,
    to commit jew war crimes against defenseless children.

    I figure he’s got the michigan, the Arizona Mormon,
    and the south florida vote, by design.

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  2. bob88 May 16, 07:38

    “…when are people going to admit that thats what america is…”

    People have to admit what a jew is.

    Thats its not “zionists”,
    that the “good one” isn’t representative, or the issue.
    That its all of them.

    And THEN,
    after you admit what a jew is,
    you can see who controls america,
    who controls banking, courtrooms and the media,
    and what a jew has been up to all these years.

    …you will see what happened to Europe.
    You will see what england and the Dutch really is.

    You will suddenly understand every problem hounding all humanity,
    in the world.

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  3. bob88 May 16, 07:45

    “…and not be held accountable…”

    We have to hold ourselves accountable.
    It all starts there.

    We have to be willing to judge ourselves.
    Lying to ourselves, to justify our crimes to ourselves,
    our crime of commiting crimes for a jew,
    is as low as a jew.

    Thats not an appropriate culture at all.
    And would deserve no excuse.

    We have to be judgmental.
    Towards everything.
    Especially ourselves.

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  4. Adam D. May 16, 10:28

    True the demonic Jews are influencing Trump. But RFKjr is going for the woke single mom vote. And Biden is all in with the Jews. Trump meanwhile had Tue office stolen from him by Biden and the pedo party. Politics sucks, there are no good choices when stealing is the rule, only less bad choices.

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  5. Jack Brody May 16, 14:52

    “We have to be willing to judge ourselves.
    Lying to ourselves, to justify our crimes to ourselves,
    our crime of commiting crimes for a jew,
    is as low as a jew.”

    Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell; November 1992; “Silesian Inferno”):

    “Remember that the savage creatures that perpetrated the atrocities of which you read in this book were armed with American weapons and financed by the American people, who had permitted their great War Criminal to herd them into the Jews’ war against our race and our civilization and make them revert to barbarism. That they were deceived does not palliate their guilt, because they … were willing to be deceived.”

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  6. Magenta May 17, 02:02

    Time to have a country hoe-down and start to either round them up or vaporization parties.

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  7. Edward May 17, 02:21

    Chomsky surrounds himself with a pack of grad students and whenver he says something, right or wrong, they howl in approval drowning out rebuttal.

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