Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, May 16, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN May 16, 2024 16:35
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  1. bob88 May 17, 13:03

    “…you are participating in the division…”

    Remember shia laboof,
    and “he will not devide us”?

    I’m asking myself, divide “us” from what?
    All you do is march around in the streets screaming what a Nazi I am.
    And you’re not saying it as a compliment.

    We are not friends, I dont like you.
    What is it that donald trump would devide us from?
    Why are you trying to be around me?

    …we are dealing with a PARASITE ISSUE!

    We actually DO, have to devide ourselves,
    from every double agent, from every Dutch and limey,
    who only comes around, claiming to be White,
    to poison our water for the jew.

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