Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, May 17, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN May 17, 2024 16:10

Callers flood the lines again, with a focus on Israel, Palestine and the USA’s involvement.

By RBN May 17, 2024 16:10
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  1. bob88 May 17, 23:13

    “…trump sold us out…”

    The only thing trump did,
    was stating things that he KNOWS that you MUST be thinking.

    He said all these things that you agree with,
    becasue its OBVIOUS, that you’re seeing what everybody else is seeing,
    and that everybody is thinking the same thing.

    But he’s only telling you what you want to hear.
    Any pimp or criminal or standard issue sociopath off the street,
    does the same thing

    You have to do,
    is combine what you are hearing,

    …in retrospect,
    now that you know what a jew is,
    could a donald trump,
    surrounded with that many jews,
    ever have been believed.

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  2. bob88 May 18, 05:08

    All these eisenhowers and roosefelds and woodrow wilsons,
    are commiting EVERY JEW CRIME they can get involved in,
    as fast as they can do it,
    stealing all the gold out of your house safe,
    steering us into every jew world war with the limeys…

    …and then 10 minute’s before they die they want to tell you how they got “fooled”,
    and how dangerous all these things they’ve set us up for every step of they are.

    We just have to spot the Dutch and the trumps and the woodrow wilsons,
    BEFORE they ruin the world with th jew.
    And then act suprised and play victim,
    AFTER they’ve gorged themselvs on their cut of the crime.

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  3. bob88 May 18, 07:17

    “…all the lawsuits prove that trump was on the up and up…”

    It actually doesn’t.

    What does that prove?
    It proves that he did not get the OKAY, from the jew,
    to steal a spot that was RESERVED,
    for either hillary or mormon mitt romney.

    That trump spent 4 years fooling around with jew courtroom media antics,

    …PROVES that he NEVER DID,
    have any intentions on breaking any eggs,
    or keeping all those cheap and easy to say slogans and promises.

    trump doesn’t even have to feel guilty about that.
    Its up to yourself to spot when somebody is lying to you.
    The way trump see’s it, you did that to yourself.

    He only told you what you wanted to hear.

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  4. Jack Brody May 18, 15:46

    In the middle of the 20th century, the Palestinians allowed aliens called Jews, members of a different nation, to infiltrate their country. “Diversity is our strength!” “Tolerance!” “Racism is evil!” “Bigotry must be outlawed!”

    How did the Jews repay the Palestinians? The Jews imprisoned them in a ghetto, and now the Jews are genociding them.

    Here’s what America should do. Release all of the Palestinians from the ghetto called Gaza and imprison the Jews in the Gaza ghetto. Then, because of all of the crimes the Israeli Jews have committed against the Palestinians, give the Palestinians all of the weapons and munitions that they want so that they can bomb the Jewish children, women, and men in Gaza.

    If it’s moral for the Jews to do it, why isn’t it moral for the Palestinians to do it?

    Will Jew-puppet Trump urge the Palestinians on by saying “Finish the job”?

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  5. bilbo zen May 18, 18:02

    fetzer never replys here?

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  6. Jack Brody May 18, 19:31

    “Its up to yourself to spot when somebody is lying to you.”

    Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell; November 1992; “Silesian Inferno”):

    “Remember that the savage creatures that perpetrated the atrocities of which you read in this book were armed with American weapons and financed by the American people, who had permitted their great War Criminal to herd them into the Jews’ war against our race and our civilization and make them revert to barbarism. That they were deceived does not palliate their guilt, because they … were willing to be deceived.”

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