Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, May 21, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN May 21, 2024 16:06
By RBN May 21, 2024 16:06
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  1. bob88 May 21, 17:57

    Fetzy, try not to fall for the ole hal trick.

    Thats been known since 2008.

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  2. bob88 May 21, 19:11

    “…where you better off under trump then biden? Answer the question!”

    Well other then missing all the free heat from 4 years of arson race riots and covid lockdowns,
    whats your problem with biden? Some alleged inflation?

    Make sure that you give the GOP their credit forr unanimously co-signing,
    everything biden has done for 4 years. They have EARNED, half the credit,
    for every biden administration accomplishment.

    Are you hoping that trump and his personal kabal of lubavitch handlers,
    are going to save you from the same GOP that has co-signed everything about biden?
    Trump called the cops on his own supporters and left them to rot.

    Trump couldn’t even handle antifa.
    What would posses you to think that he’s going to save you from the GOP,
    the liberals or anything at all.

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    • Lucas May 22, 07:38

      Bubba Scout Reb is nothing but spam and noise from the psych ward. Stop entertaining this guy’s fantasies and wasting the listener’s time.

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