Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, May 29, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN May 29, 2024 16:02
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  1. Edward May 30, 06:44

    Comments are being deleted. Why?

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    • RBN Author May 30, 08:43

      What are you talking about Edward?

      We don’t delete comments, but, sometimes we have to approve comments from new contributors.

      Let us know if that is happening.

      Please email to be approved to comment, and you will see comments or replies posted immediately. Otherwise, you must wait for the IP address to be approved.

      RBN Staff

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    • RBN Author May 30, 08:44

      What are you talking about Edward?

      We don’t delete comments, but, sometimes we have to approve comments from new contributors.

      Let us know if that is happening.

      Please email to be approved to comment, and you will see comments or replies posted immediately. Otherwise, you must wait for the IP address to be approved.

      RBN Staff

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