Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, November 15, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN November 15, 2024 16:12
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  1. America Gone Corrupt November 15, 19:04

    America and Americans have gone totally corrupt. It’s sad. Don’t trust your doctor. Don’t trust your waiter. Definitely don’t trust police, they are behind it all.

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  2. MEANWHILE November 15, 21:36

    HAHAHA! Nothin like the MEANWHILE show! Love when Jim gets pissed at the callers! Francis deserved to be bitched out and banned by Jim when she accused him of not letting people talk. Jim lets everyone give their piece. I’ve never heard such a free speech absolutist as him in all radio.

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  3. bilbo zen November 15, 21:49

    i dont care if Francis returns…if it was my show id say come say something new and if i want i hang up abruptly if i want

    as for layla she said she would rather just die and its obvious shes emtionally disturbed so think you treated her unkindly–im sorta disgusted…try to be better

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  4. bilbo zen November 15, 21:51

    i dont care if Francis returns…if it was my show id say come say something new and if i want i hang up abruptly if i want

    as for layla she said she would rather just die and its obvious shes emotionally disturbed so i think you treated her unkindly–im sorta disgusted…try to be better

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  5. Edward November 16, 02:03

    After Joe from Tennessee’s euphoric expectation of the actors that are being put into place to prolong the agony of the annihilation of “the land of the free and home of the brave”, American Hopium is squashed by Leila who again reminds us all of the charade and the theatre that is going on and that basically we have been fucked again – perhaps for the last time. As Netanyahoo said, America will be dismembered, sold off and then thrown to the wind. The fat lady sang a long time ago. Leila Paul rules and Nutjobyahoo with his myriad of Palestinian body parts used to keep him on his feet and that of his ugly wife.

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  6. Molly November 16, 12:21

    Jim has given layla WAY too much time! layla is an AntiWhite, Middle Eastern Supremacist. She says Trump only cares about himself? Pot meet Kettle! I’m so sick of listening to layla trying to incite the very White Men that her and the other feminist BOOMERS so disdain, into committing violence and dying FOR HER AND HER PEOPLE!

    If she spent half the time she spends LYING about biblical history to elevate middle easterners and jews above Whites to focus on her OWN COUNTRY maybe she could talk the White Canadian Men into dying for these 3rd world shitholes lol that she and her ilk are too cowardly to do. Just goes to show that nonWhite immigrants NEVER become American, Canadian etc.

    Where is layla, francis, that hillary shrieking cackling twin whatshername, and the black lecturing Laura? when it’s White’s being discriminated against, abused, murdered including our children by blacks, middle easterners, jews and tranny lgbt? They’re secretly celebrating I’m sure it, they sure as hell aren’t trying to rally White Men to take care of their own! The world will be a better place once they’re gone! Love, a White Woman that loves her White Men and all they’ve done for the world ! LOVE YOU ALL WHITE MEN! Now grow a set and put these boomer in their place, treat them as equals to the Men that they think they’re better than

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  7. Molly November 16, 12:45

    Btw, Melania was on a modeling shoot and as far as those go, hers was pretty tasteful only showing her butt, you see worse in commercials on TV nowadays.

    Trump’s picks especially RFK Jr are incredibly great for Americans but ofc layla doesn’t truly care about Americans. Canada (Whites) took her and her family in and gave her opportunity she never would have had in any nonWhite country and instead of gratitude, just like the jews and every other poc she has the nerve to lecture Whites for being raycccccisssss and tell us we should sacrifice our White sons for “her people” which isn’t Canadians ofc bc HER people are her DNA middle easterners, yet she still defends the “good jews”.

    Tell layla that if she wants to save her Palestinians, Send her kids and grandkids to Palestine. Such a hypocrite! Tell her to call the jew podcasts and talk the good jews into fighting for Palestine, write to the good jew publications and leave us Whites out of it. We’ve killed too many of our own for these barbaric desert cultures! I’m sick of layla if you couldn’t tell lol so thanks for letting me vent! And I’m sick of hearing all these White Men sing her praises even as she’s trying to get you all killed! I think that maybe you Boomer men have been traumatized by these feminists so badly, you act like little scared boys instead of the Strong White Men God created you as!

    Next time they tut-tut you about your tone of voice or some other psychological bs trigger, tell them to go do something productive like mopping their floor LMAO watch they’re head explode bahahahaha

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  8. Molly November 16, 12:59

    One last thing I swear 😉 Adam, Eve and Jesus were White! The Bible is White history! Just because mixed races live there now doesn’t make them the line of Adam and Eve. White Flight isn’t something recent! We’ve been being over run by jews bringing African’s and Asians into our lands for 6k years. Leyla’s DNA is race mixed mongrelization of White Women that were enslaved and raped by blacks and yellow’s creating brown’s like the Palestinians. White’s are the true Israelites, the DNA of Israel from Adam and Eve. Jesus is not a jew nor a mixed race. jewland is not the true Israel.

    And one last thing for leyla, guess you’re ancestors were weak and/or cowards and that’s how the Brits conquered Palestine. Boohoo get stronger you AntiWhite enemy within.

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  9. Dave November 16, 18:04

    There is a Serious problem with Trump Worship. He puts it at the Top of his towers. One caller is “getting it right” – getting the message. Your sidestepping the possibility that “Jesus” is not coming to the White House is blind faith. There are elements of blind Faith in your apparent Belief in DJ tRump.
    I am waiting to see what happens. But the danger signs are already apparent. Sam Andrews on the morning show objects greatly to when Trump said “take the guns and prosecute later”. This is a lawless man. He justifies violating the second amendment. You have noted and were disturbed by his attack on the first amendment when he said basically that he would prosecute or jail or in some sort of a vague trumpism talked about punishing anti-semitism. But I don’t see him jailing those who are killing semites left and right currently. You see what is put up here is someone who looks like the conservative savior trying to preserve righteousness and go against all the ugly intolerable immorality being pushed on children including general mutilation but perverting their sexual interests at a young age as well going aggressively after them putting these types of people in the military and putting them representing the US where in a dress as a guy with hair coming out of his legs or something. Yes those are detestable and highly objectionable based on the scriptures. Harris was the poster child. But when we’re given a man put up to BR savior who clearly is an elitist as JP referred to Trump and RFK Jr when I called into a show regarding health issues and the role of RFK Jr if you was going to do anything. Jim we have elite gatekeepers have no faith in them. “For cursed is every man who trusts in man and in the arm of the flesh”. Cursed because man is not trustworthy and he does what is in his best interest in general.
    Let’s wait and see Jim. Passages in the Bible talk about the coming of antichrist. What the exact meaning of that is and the absence of “the” before the word Antichrist is interesting. It also says that there are many antichrists who have gone out into the world and that these are those who deny that Jesus is Messiah. Currently in Judaism they are looking for the appearance of a messiah and they may be promoting wars and disruption to bring his presence in. There’s a passage as well in Daniel 9 which states that a peace treaty

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  10. James November 17, 04:16

    Agree with MEANWHILE. Jim has been very polite to pretty much all his callers, as far as I can tell. To be fair, before Jim took over the show, Mike was really good too. The fact the same people call in is not the host’s doing. Listeners must understand there are probably some callers who are spooks. And, listeners must understand, even if they aren’t spooks, the spooks go harass those callers they don’t like, in order to rile them up.

    Anyway, Jim, your recent post from Scott Ritter is very good: . As I was reading it, one of the sentences struck me: “The FBI terrorizes innocent Americans daily for the “crime” of saying things their political masters object to.” This is absolutely true. It isn’t just important persons like Mr Ritter, either, even regular folks who have nothing to do with anything are on the list of persons to harass and defame and even to harm in dirty ways.

    I like Trump, he is a great guy. But that does not mean he can’t be directed. Controlling and directing folks of all kinds is standard procedure. If you have influences, they, and you, can be controlled and directed. Commenters are correct to be concerned. When Mr Trump says he’s going to do this and that about limiting criticism of certain persons, we should all understand the trajectory.

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