Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, October 11, 2023 Hour 2

By RBN October 11, 2023 17:12

11 October An Israeli rabbi has reported that the Hamas attack was “an inside job” orchestrated by Israel on both sides. A brilliant piece in VT elaborates on the theme, where (as of today) there is really no room for doubt about it: IDF were moved to the West Bank to allow Hamas to rapidly expand during their attack, which otherwise would have been fiercely opposed. We now learn of a joint US-Israeli operation to save the hostages in Gaza, which is about as colossal a foreign-policy blunder as I have yet to encounter. Israel has commenced an “ethnic cleansing” op that amounts to a very public genocide (of potentially 2 million Palestinians) as a form of “collective punishment” that is proscribed by international law and forbidden by the laws of war. Nikki Haley suggests Bibi “finish them” by extermination. Israel says it has no evidence of Iranian involvement (since it was an Israeli op from beginning to end). When you consider who benefits, Putin, Trump, MAGA, Iran, the arms industry and BIBI (foremost); who loses Biden and the DEMS, ordinary people, and peace activists–but there is a covert agenda at work here. Israel ignored warnings from Egypt because it was their op. Biden initially called for a “ceasefire”, then reversed itself to let it play out. Weapons from Ukraine and Afghanistan found their way to Gaza. Hamas and Palestinian supporters are speaking out around the world. Putin has said he supports the Palestinians in the past. China also appears to be on the side of Hamas. Virtually all key positions in the US government are filled by Jews. Joe Biden’s American provides migrants with everything. Scalise wins secret ballot but not yet the Speakership. Israel adopts a 2A policy for its citizens. Gun rights continue to be under assault in Illinois–but gains are being made. This will certainly help.

By RBN October 11, 2023 17:12
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1 Comment

  1. Jim October 12, 20:15

    This week I heard a two hour program on Israel how it’s origination cam about.. I’m trying to rehear it but I can’t find it…

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