Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, September 14, 2023 Hour 2

By RBN September 14, 2023 16:59

14 September Comparing four of the five frames initially released by the Pentagon with two newly available videos, one of which show a missile being fired into the building by an UAV and the other much of the rest of the frames the Pentagon did not release proves (1) a missile was fired into the building in lieu of a plane crash and (2) that the fireball appears to have been added in and did not actually occur at the time on 9/11. The depths of deception of our own government appear to have no limits. The “First Strike” policy in place escalates the chance of a nuclear war. Putin has (no doubt correctly) blamed the UK for efforts to bring about a meltdown at a nuclear plan in Ukraine. Christian women in Israel have been whipped and kicked in public for speaking about Jesus. The Israelis make it a practice to shoot to kill or to maim Palestinian children. The head of Mossad declares it’s time to assassinate the leaders of Iran. Niger says France is preparing to invade. Lulu backs down from asserting that Brazil would not arrest Putin and is now in the process of reevaluating Brazil’s membership in the ICC. The J6 judge has displayed contempt for J6 defendants in the past and might have to be replaced. A higher court judge has determined that the 19 defendants in Fulton County cannot be tried all together. A federal judge has found (again) that the Obama DACA program is not legal. A CIA whistleblower has said the agency paid off experts to deny the lab leak theory. John Kirby cannot explain why Biden continues to tell whoppers that are provably false. Pelosi is running again because, as a candidate, she can bring in more money. A new study shows that the spike protein in the COVID vax does not diminish over time as claimed. They are now using the air conditioning units in schools to spread diseases in the UK and the USA. And pilots are (justifiably) going to refuse the jab this time around!

By RBN September 14, 2023 16:59
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