Authentic News with Jim Fetzer, September 19, 2023 Hour 2

By RBN September 19, 2023 17:00

19 September Zelensky goes to the UN to ask for more money and more weapons and more money (again). The fake Biden tells the UN to stand up to Russia and not to let Ukraine be “carved up”. Netanyahu meeting Zelensky on the sidelines to give him his marching orders–because this is all about Israel wanting Ukraine to be “the New Israel”. Treats of a nuclear catastrophe cause by Russia (which would be carried out by Ukraine) poses a double-edged sword, because contaminating the region could make regions uninhabitable for the next 250 years. Russia recognizes that the US is conducting war against Russia–and may be forced to retaliate on a scale never before seen in history. Zelensky says Putin may cause WWIII if the US does not keep sending more and more money and weapons his way. Hungary’s PM astutely observes that the war will only end if Donald Trump returns to office. A stunning poll reveals that 48% of those blow 30 think we should send troops to defend Ukraine. Don’t they realize the troops we would send are them? Mike Pence says the US may have to fight Russia if Ukraine loses the war–which, by every measurable index, they already have. Post 9/11 deaths among first responders are close to the number who died from the attack. Trump likes the idea of a woman VP but says qualifications to assume the office come first. Jack Smith wants to gag Trump. Hunter sues the IRS. Kevin McCarthy’s speakership is on the line. NYC is falling apart with migrants. And a Texas real estate guy is creating the largest community for migrants right in the heart of the USA.

By RBN September 19, 2023 17:00
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