Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, August 7, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN August 7, 2024 19:13
By RBN August 7, 2024 19:13
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  1. Blewitt August 7, 21:43

    In my opinion the time has come to cultivate a deep hatred of the Jewish people. They have killed Kennedy, put us under surveillance in violation of the 4th Amendment, and now they are flooding our country with racially different people who have no capacity to comprehend our Bill of Rights. The Jews comprise an international nation that strives to rule the world. We must expell them from our midst.

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  2. Edward August 8, 07:14

    Iran has the chance. It is backed by Russia and Hezbollah. It is not touching zionville becaus of its investments there and the jews in power in Iran. Another lost opportunity and this time, the Iranian government failed as they always do, as Turkey does, as Egypt does, as Jordon does and what about Syria??

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