Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, December 6, 2023 Hour 1

By RBN December 6, 2023 19:28
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  1. bob88 December 7, 03:22

    Criminal charges against yahu are fake. Thats a PANTOMIME. The jew frames EVERYTHING, in the jew agenda, in the form of a parasitic playing victim trick. And HABITUALLY, plays outraged about its own crimes, as if its a different jew doing it. The “zionists”. You’ll see bernie sanders or jews for peace, play outraged about the crimes of israel, for a day, just to get that on tape, and then disappear again. So that people can say that there must be two kids of jews, because one was pointing fingers at the other one. But you have NEVER SEEN a jew playing victim about jew crimes, STOP jew crimes. Thats as easy to fake as the democrats and the GOP pointing fingers at each other, while either one of them can open up the borders, to do the jobs they dont want to do, and commit jew war crimes around the world. jews pressing charges against themselves is as fake as the 40 beheaded burning babies, or the peace disco massacre.

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    • Janet December 8, 10:20

      Yes want Nuttyasshole supposedly going to prison when tRUMp was in office?? Same ((script)) over and over. Nuttyasshole has about as much a chance to be put in prison as his brother Donald tRUMP ..both keep getting indicted YET nothing ever happens. I can’t believe these people think Russia and or China isn’t in on it..both are useful idiots of the jews who control them. There is NO TRUTH in ((THEM))) this includes all the media, news and political hacks including world “leaders”

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  2. Steve December 7, 09:28

    “Ancient Talmud beliefs from Babylon” I wonder if these conspiratards have ever read the “Old Testament”?

    Greater Israel, genocidal hatred of gentiles (anyone who isn’t jewish), global new world order ruled from Zion, all come from that wonderful script called the Old Testament. Judaism is not a faith, it’s extreme tribalism masquerading as a religion and without Judaism there is no Zionsm. They are one in the same.

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