Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, February 10, 2023

By RBN February 10, 2023 13:00

Richard is joined by a full panel roundtable, including William Repillem, Paul in California and James in Vancouver.

By RBN February 10, 2023 13:00
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  1. Saul in California February 10, 15:36

    Deborah Tavares has some good research for sure. Ultimately she is likely controlled opposition and she has never proven her “primary water” claims but everyone should look into the work she’s done on NASA, smart cities, and related.

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  2. Janet February 10, 16:09

    Paul is correct on everything, the jab tards who die quickly are the lucky ones it’s worse to be sick all the time. Another problem with the jab-tards is they are the graduated mask-holes it’s only a mask, it’s just 2 weeks, it’s just a shot, it’s just a vax card, it’s just vax ID …these are the idiots who will sink the ship with their weak willed, compliant dumb ass mentality. News flash I have been saying for years people are zombified from prescription drugs especially old people ..their eyes are dead…all those meds pain pills, cholesterol, heart pills, high blood pressure, yearly flu jabs and now the jujabs ..zombies

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  3. Mark February 11, 16:21

    Good to see that Paul was well behaved and not going off at the other panellists.

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