Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, February 21, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN February 21, 2024 19:00
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  1. MaxxNY February 21, 20:26

    When you get stupid callers wasting air time, give them the trap door and hang up on them. I don’t have time for stupid people in my life.
    That black homosexual talking about rape of black women by white men is utterly absurd and he provided not one example.
    I read an article on mixed race marriages if a white woman marries a black man, it’s 200% more likely to end in divorce. If a white man marries a black woman they are 44% more likely to stay together
    One reason might be is black women are being canceled out like white men.
    I know one black woman and she won’t date black men. She says the white men are more attentive and they are better lovers which is absolutely 100% correct. My white race women don’t really treat me great. White women in New York serve the menorah

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