Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, February 23, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN February 23, 2024 18:59

Richard is joined by a full panel roundtable, including Michael Sledge, David Scorpio and Blackbird9.

By RBN February 23, 2024 18:59
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  1. Edward February 25, 09:57

    Bishop Williamson was interviewed by an israeli zionist pustule who asked in good faith and confidence whether any jews had been gassed in the camps. Bishop Williamson replied that none had died and requested the israeli pustule not to take it further as this was the Bishop’s overall personal views. Later the Bishop was fined Euro 10,000 for this.

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  2. bob88 February 26, 18:10

    I dont think the Fried Chicken stuff was Sledge’s best material, but one thing abrasive material is good for, is sussing out the hyper-sensitive man who’s going to turn on you when the heat is on anyway. Also Ron Paul is a misdirectionist. He used g edward griffen as the basis for his federal reserve stuff, which removes all references to the jew and the rothschilds. So he’s basically a liar. …and a freemason.

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