Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, February 23, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN February 23, 2024 20:01
By RBN February 23, 2024 20:01
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  1. Blewitt February 24, 03:34

    Let’s send all our Negroes to South Africa and bring what remains of South African Whites here, and give them a generous amount of farmland. As for our Jews, well, it can’t be said online what we must do with them.

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    • Blewitt February 24, 03:42

      We must destroy their reputation. Promotion of the reality that they have committed ritual murder in the recent past and probably still do this today is a good start.

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    • bob88 February 25, 17:05

      Who are you going to bring from South Africa, the Dutch and the british? Every Dutchman has a jew on their shoulders, like master blaster. And every limey is a poodle at the jews feet. Who do you think brought the jews into south africa? Both of them.

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  2. Isabella February 24, 17:59

    This station is going to shit, it’s just a big incestuous circle jerk. This sledge guy offends me bc he kills brain cells of anyone that has to listen to his stupidity. Hosts interviewing hosts with hosts calling in, talking about the same shit.

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    • Tommy March 1, 09:06

      Here here. Rbn can’t decide what it wants to be anymore so it just lets every trash person on now like sledge. Heard that guy has a strange background and jewish kids too. Rbn needs to take out the trash again like they did with giuseppe. Richard needs to get his act together.

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  3. bob88 February 25, 17:13

    “Our jew attorney general is going to let Blacks get away with anything, and throw White’s in prison for child support”. Stop fighting with the Blacks and the Mexicans, you need to fight with whoever is voting for jew attorney generals in North Carolina. And dont tell me its Blacks and Mexicans voting for that, THEY DONT VOTE! Insignificant numbers at best. The actual value of the Black and ethnic vote, is on posters and advertisements for the white liberal vote. If you cant even control North Carolina, its absolute foolish to worry about controlling what they do in new york. SEND THEM TO NEW YORK! STOP TRYING TO SAVE NEW YORK from Blacks and immigrants. So that after you save ever jew in New york, they can load you up with a jew governor in NC. There are no Whites in New York anyway! Let the SAME “REPLACEMENT” TRICK that you are complaining about, work on the jew in New york!

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  4. bob88 February 25, 17:28

    The same way that if Hitler would have destroyed england, it would have saved europe and the world. You have to stop trying to save new york, or england, or white liberals from themselves. They’re going to try and kill you for the jew every chance they get.

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