Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, February 7, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN February 7, 2024 20:21
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  1. Edward February 8, 05:09

    Alexi de Tocqueville is rolling in his grave.

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  2. Blewitt February 8, 05:52

    The Greeks were very homosexual. In Sparta a prominent boy of 12 years would have an adult male lover.

    The Greeks were better than us in terms of culture.

    The homosexuals of today have become controlled by the Jews. Because they are excluded by White Christian society they are vulnerable to Jewish takeover, and this has happened. The homosexuals are owned by the Jews.

    Unfortunately there is no longer a way to readmitt the homosexual community to the White community. Things have gone too far. The homosexuals belong to the Jewish Power national entity in a permanent way.

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