Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, January 23, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN January 23, 2024 20:04
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  1. bob88 January 23, 21:36

    trump stuck it to China, …with a tax on Americans. He was a war “isolationist”, because he was too busy watching the antifa riots go by. If you take a look, international jew crimes, and domestic jew crimes, (usually) take turns. Other then an absolute free for all like the 1960’s.

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  2. bob88 January 23, 21:45

    “trump did not have a pervasive neo-con influence…” As you can see, with joe biden, these jew wars are not “neo-con” wars. “neo-con”, was only one among a thousand fake flags, these are JEW WARS. noodleman and kissinger and the jews, can hide behind a liberal, EXACTLY the same, as a fake Christian. If trump has a cabinet full of JEWS, ALL HIS LIFE, thats a cabinet full of jewish wars. Exactly the same as any cabinet full of “neo-cons”. They where only busy with a different aspect of jew crime at the time.

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  3. bob88 January 23, 21:54

    “eisenhour sided with egypt…” eisenhaur the swedish jew? Thats just the jew playing good cop/bad cop, to insert behind both sides. bernie sanders will show up to say that he’s outraged about the crimes of israel, just for the cameras, and then disappear again. To make you think that it must not be all of them, that the good jew is gonna save us. eisenhaur was a jew proxy from hell, the same as rosenfeld.

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