Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, January 9, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN January 9, 2024 20:01
By RBN January 9, 2024 20:01
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  1. Edward January 10, 06:59

    In the Ukraine, we have to keep in mind the 46 bio terror labs which the West had built in the country to terrorize Russia.

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  2. bob88 January 10, 07:52

    ” The Germans married a jew”. The Germans where too nice to the jews. Thats what brought all the trouble on them. Thats what brought every bad thing on the Tsar. At least among western European peoples, the Nazi’s had the decency to attempt to fix it. But if everybody had called a jew a jew on DAY ONE, the jew is a reputation going back thousands of years, they never would have had to get put into a position to have to dial it all back against the world. Now EVERYBODY has to go back, and redo WW1/WW2 again, and try and get it right this time. First things first, we have to destroy the british.

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    • MaxxNY January 10, 14:11

      Absolutely. But people didn’t get the gospel of the Jew being the Christ murderer. This is what Christians don’t get, Jews didn’t reject the Christ, they murdered the Christ with the malice of forethought. They murdered yahweh’s son. Jews are sitting on death row and there is no statute of limitations on murder.
      Luke 19:27 KJV

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