Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, March 30, 2023

By RBN March 30, 2023 12:59
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  1. Beer Hall Pooch March 31, 07:25

    I’m only 10 minutes into this show and already I’ve heard the French kick back against the System being called out as “the hidden hand” full of “non-French people”. Really? Hell of a lot of White faces in the videos captured by those kicking back, wouldn’t you say?

    So it’s a gay-op? Why then hasn’t the Sytem employed its media to cover it and its being kept out of the news?

    Willem makes his grou dlessaaaertion then says “it’s impossible to know what’s going on on the ground” Make up your mind.

    Raising retirement to 64 is “normal” cos the rest of Europe is at that level? What when it gets to 70? Still comfortable with it then?

    I’ll listen to the rest, but at the moment this is reactionary nonsense by the Right because those on the ground are not of our persuasion. Boo hoo . Deal with it.

    I support this revolt and strikes and disorder. All nationalists in their right mind should do so too. Either that or we keep taking it up the behind while crying out, “govern me harder, daddy!”

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  2. Beer Hall Pooch March 31, 07:26

    I’m only 10 minutes into this show and already I’ve heard the French kick back against the System being called out as “the hidden hand” full of “non-French people”. Really? Hell of a lot of White faces in the videos captured by those kicking back, wouldn’t you say?

    So it’s a gay-op? Why then hasn’t the Sytem employed its media to cover it and its being kept out of the news?

    Willem makes his grou dlessaaaertion then says “it’s impossible to know what’s going on on the ground” Make up your mind.

    Raising retirement to 64 is “normal” cos the rest of Europe is at that level? What when it gets to 70? Still comfortable with it then?

    I’ll listen to the rest, but at the moment this is reactionary nonsense by the Right because those on the ground are not of our persuasion. Boo hoo . Deal with it.

    I support this revolt and strikes and disorder. All nationalists in their right mind should do so too. Either that or we keep taking it up the behind while crying out, “govern me harder, daddy!”

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  3. Janet March 31, 12:43

    What type of European calls the jew sponsored INVADERS to GENOCIDE Europeans “immigrants” are you f@king kidding

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  4. Janet March 31, 13:00

    Bolsonaro is the tRUMP equivalent in the ((theater)) so he is of the Zionist faction, DeSilva is of the ((commie)) faction so the equivalent of Biden. Mr Kary are small banks by you closing because the only ones I see with issues are the big ones as in ((too big to fail but not to big to bail out)) if people remove their money from small banks it will cause them to close down and all those morons who close their accounts can move to the big banks SO how dumb is that

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