Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, May 7, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN May 7, 2024 19:00
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  1. bob88 May 8, 00:32

    “…we’ve had a disasterous economy…”

    Liberals are not displaying any discomfort about the economy. And thats a culture who plays victim for a living every chance they get.

    The point being, that when we talk about this “economy”, I dont think its the same economy for all of us. We cant say this is a problem with the “american” economy. …unless we stop to define “american”. Its probably NEVER A PROBLEM, for the international jew, who owes the fake currency. And their conspirators and lackeys, like elon musk, donald trump, the GOP and liberalism.

    So, if we give it a TRUE NAME, we can say that any non-jew conspirator, is having an perpetually tough economy. And NOW with a TRUE NAME on it, we can ask ourselves true questions, and look for true solutions to it.

    We will always have a tough, rigged economy, dealing in the jews own fake money. We are not going to be able to vote for donald trump out of that.

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  2. bob88 May 8, 00:39

    “…whats up with desantis, he’ll throw you a little crumb gas voucher, in ibetween every mass murdering jew crime against humanity in the world…”

    The little crumb is an trick, for idiots.
    We should know better then to fall for that.

    …whats up with that elon musk, that GOP, that donald trump…

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  3. bob88 May 8, 00:46

    “…we’ve got a lot of flowery vernacular and platitude here…”

    Thats how that double agent type gets away with playing outraged about jew crime, through the hands of desantis, without ever mentioning the jew. A padded out stream of pinwheels and misdirection’s.

    …including a little backhanded dose of jew in your water, with a normalized sienfeld or kafka refference…

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