Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, November 29, 2023

By RBN November 29, 2023 13:03
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  1. bob88 November 30, 10:00

    The swedish race is working for the jews, the same as the Dutch. Thats where the jew gets rossenfelds and eisenhowers. Thats why all those UN and NATO spokesperson creeps are always swedes and Dutch’s, working for the jew. While they’ve been playing neutral and aren’t even in NATO. WHY would they bring a bunch of Muslims into sweden? So swedes can play fake Nazi and try to start race wars with them. And use that to drum up support for hiding behind America and NATO, and send Whites to attack the middle east for the heebrew. I dont really understand why the Muslims would want to live in sweden? I dont think that they’re cute. They look like a albino mongoloid.

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    • Edward November 30, 10:04

      I think you are bang on. Heavily infiltrated indeed.

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      • bob88 November 30, 10:12

        Eustace Mullins puts a lot of good information together, Scorpio and Kary are obviously aware of the JP Morgan trick. Blackbird9 is a wealth of pieces to the puzzle. Slattery seems more focused on modern politics, but he’s got a comprehensive view of that. The evidence has been gathered by a lot of good people, we just have to start putting it all together.

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  2. bob88 November 30, 10:08

    Which incompatible absurdity came first? Muslims in sweden, or british jews in the middle east? If we put together a timeline, I’m thinking this is a jew problem, every since (and before) the federal reserve, WW1, the young turks, stealing Palestine and mutilating the world ever since WW2. Its a jew problem FIRST, everything else is a victim and a symptom AFTER that. And the swede is part of the jew side of the problem.

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  3. Edward November 30, 11:35

    David Scorpio nails it.

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