Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, September 25, 2023

By RBN September 25, 2023 13:00
By RBN September 25, 2023 13:00
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  1. bob88 September 25, 20:41

    Dont let things like trump, or trump supporters, BESMIRCH nice things, like Putin. By claiming they like it too. Dont let charles manson, telling you that he loves Chocolate Ice cream, ruin Chocolate Ice cream. PARASITES, will try to latch on to nice things.

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  2. bob88 September 25, 20:54

    We can reverse engineer what side Putin is on, by what side that he is NOT. If he was working for the hebrew, the heeb would be having an easier time at all this. Thats simple algebra.

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  3. bob88 September 25, 21:04

    “…we have to maintain american culture, …Western Europe has been conquered…” Maintain WHAT? USA was HALF OF THE CRIME, that wasted western Europe, ever since 1913. This criminal USA culture is what happened to Europe. You cant “maintain” the problem, and fix it at the same time.

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  4. bob88 September 26, 03:47

    You’re reaching pretty badly for the “Anti-White” stuff, BRICS cant be anti-White, because YOU DONT OWN ANYTHING! NATO and western Europe is OWNED BY JEWS! The jews own New York and england. You aint nothing but mange-dog under the jews feet. Dont flatter yourself about that.

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