Beyond The Official Narrative with Richard Kary, September 9, 2024 Hour 2

By RBN September 9, 2024 20:01
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  1. Blewitt September 10, 04:09

    Regarding marijuana, I started using it in the 60s. The true narcotics like heroin and cocaine never interested me. The high is different. I have sampled both heroin and cocaine. They did not interest me at all.

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  2. Blewitt September 10, 04:56

    Let me talk about the problem of criminalizing marijuana. I was caught with a $15 bag of low grade Mexican marijuana when I was a university student studying Philosophy. I was taken to Cook County Jail and handcuffed to about a dozen other prisoners, until I was put in a cell with a guy who was arrested because he had an underage girlfriend. That was after they had mistaken my hemmoroid condition as the consequence of anal intercourse, until I talked them out of this. Due to this experience of being in Cook County Jail I began to identify with criminals. “Scamp, vandal, thief — it’s the decent folk a’huntin’ the child.” Sartre. I got to know and befriended a guy who had done time for murder. It is a wonder I didn’t become a real problem to society. For a period of time I was capable of murder.

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