Think and Grow Rich “hexing” quotes.
Who is this certain group of people he refers to?
I call Jewish legalism “witchcraft” because its completely contingent on YOUR belief that something exists. “Presumption of law” Just to blindly and mindlessly except something without checking (like driver’s license, delegation of authority for police, a property tax that’s lawfully passed, etc) is extremely dangerous. People put their signatures on things they don’t read. Or understand.
I have a long study of Jewish history and religion at least 30 years. Ive read their books. Ive studied their sociology and how they interface with non-jews. Mostly from my personal interface and observations and relationships with Jews. I know how they think. They are narcissists. Its been mostly to my detriment.
Jewish men are a problem altogether. Jewish women do not like Jewish men there is always this antagonism between the two and I think that’s because they are circumcised. I also think there’s a large amount of incest and child abuse not only with Jewish women but Jewish men being raped.
FOILs – why? 1 It makes them work. 2 it shows them what you are FOILing for doesnt exist.
Words binding? Framed properly? Enacted? The right words? Does it move your case along?
Just like a summons or a ticket “they must answer or there’s no moving forward”. You want to ask questions pertaining to evidence and tort(ure)
You don’t want to argue their argument you want to argue that you are being damaged and your rights are being violated. Pile on as many grievances you can conjure up.
Endless delays the CPL 30.30 says you have 30 days to bring it to a JURY trial for a violation. 3 months for a misdemeanor 6 months for a felony. But we know how lawyers know how to stall things. Sometimes that’s good sometimes that’s bad.
I started applying my martial arts close combat philosophy to the courtroom. I call it legal jujitsu. Just say what you need to say to get it done and over with. Don’t martyr yourself with Patriot arguments.
They say black I say white I keep cutting off the corner in the ring.
I keep it simple I don’t get sidetracked by exotic gold fringe arguments etc
“Pro Se’ ” which means in your “proper person” if we are going to use Latin we might as well do all our paperwork in Latin. I’m trying to come up with a cut to the chase approach to jewish legalism. I don’t like speaking broken Latin because it makes me sound like a lawyer.
I believe it was Andy from Texas who was saying “you have to talk in the third person”. Yes I do this in the paperwork and refer to my name in the third person or affiant. I didn’t understand what he said when he first said it but when I relistened to the show I see what he’s saying and it is noted. You want to speak in the third person so you don’t sound emotionally attached to the legal argument. If that makes sense. “Just the facts ma’am” and spare us the drama. Unless you are outlining and framing grievances against someone who hurt you. But keep the adjectives low. This isn’t the National enquirer this is your life in the courtroom and you want to get through this as fast as you can with as little money spent as possible.
“Legal maximums”
“Your signature is the most dangerous legal instrument” it’s about agreeing and acceptance.
“Falsus n uno, falsus n omnibus” means false in one thing, false in everything.
You can have the most perfect contract and one word can completely throw it out of whack and invalidated. Render it void.
“Caveat emptor buyer beware.”
Govern means “control”, Ment means “Mind/mental” or “mind control”
You either control your own mind or somebody else is going to do it for you.
“I don’t believe anything until I’m sticking my finger in the bullet hole”
(The goy blindly believe everything that’s on television and in the newspapers without checking the physical evidence. That’s witchcraft. It’s through constant repetition, suggestion and flat out lies along with the use of neuro-linguistic programming to seduce the audience. It’s hypnosis it’s witchcraft.)
“There is no national debt, we paid in blood” “The money is worthless”
“Never trust a Jew – every interface with a Jew is a liability”
“Politics is idol worship of the jew for the gentile.”
The word pharmaceutical means “to practice witchcraft”. Medicine means “poison” Websters 1954 UnAb. this is one of many ways on how the Jew controls gentiles.
Alcohol is the primary controlling agent. It does so many things by creating a dysfunctional personality and can devolve into all kinds of social and legal problems very quickly. I think there’s more going on with alcohol on a metaphysical level where spirits are now engaging with human bodies. This is my subjective opinion I can’t explain it any other way when somebody has demons.
My FOILs –
“Can you show me the law, cite me the statute, code anything in writing lawfully passed and enacted requiring a driver’s license”
“Can you show me the property tax law that makes me liable and responsible for paying the property tax?”
“Can you show me the law, that constitutionally lawfully established such and such Police department?”
I take this to a notary so they know it’s me and have it notarized. If they don’t answer within a required amount of time, I file a second notarized FOIL. If they don’t answer the second one I file a third one notarized. “THIS IS THE THIRD AND FINAL NOTICE” This shows due diligence.
I keep it very simple and to the point but you have to know which kind of questions to ask. Ones that are binding that have to have cogent answers. You have to choose the correct and legal words that move your position to your favor.
Show Notes:
Think and Grow Rich “hexing” quotes.
Who is this certain group of people he refers to?
I call Jewish legalism “witchcraft” because its completely contingent on YOUR belief that something exists. “Presumption of law” Just to blindly and mindlessly except something without checking (like driver’s license, delegation of authority for police, a property tax that’s lawfully passed, etc) is extremely dangerous. People put their signatures on things they don’t read. Or understand.
I have a long study of Jewish history and religion at least 30 years. Ive read their books. Ive studied their sociology and how they interface with non-jews. Mostly from my personal interface and observations and relationships with Jews. I know how they think. They are narcissists. Its been mostly to my detriment.
Jewish men are a problem altogether. Jewish women do not like Jewish men there is always this antagonism between the two and I think that’s because they are circumcised. I also think there’s a large amount of incest and child abuse not only with Jewish women but Jewish men being raped.
FOILs – why? 1 It makes them work. 2 it shows them what you are FOILing for doesnt exist.
Words binding? Framed properly? Enacted? The right words? Does it move your case along?
Just like a summons or a ticket “they must answer or there’s no moving forward”. You want to ask questions pertaining to evidence and tort(ure)
You don’t want to argue their argument you want to argue that you are being damaged and your rights are being violated. Pile on as many grievances you can conjure up.
Endless delays the CPL 30.30 says you have 30 days to bring it to a JURY trial for a violation. 3 months for a misdemeanor 6 months for a felony. But we know how lawyers know how to stall things. Sometimes that’s good sometimes that’s bad.
I started applying my martial arts close combat philosophy to the courtroom. I call it legal jujitsu. Just say what you need to say to get it done and over with. Don’t martyr yourself with Patriot arguments.
They say black I say white I keep cutting off the corner in the ring.
I keep it simple I don’t get sidetracked by exotic gold fringe arguments etc
“Pro Se’ ” which means in your “proper person” if we are going to use Latin we might as well do all our paperwork in Latin. I’m trying to come up with a cut to the chase approach to jewish legalism. I don’t like speaking broken Latin because it makes me sound like a lawyer.
I believe it was Andy from Texas who was saying “you have to talk in the third person”. Yes I do this in the paperwork and refer to my name in the third person or affiant. I didn’t understand what he said when he first said it but when I relistened to the show I see what he’s saying and it is noted. You want to speak in the third person so you don’t sound emotionally attached to the legal argument. If that makes sense. “Just the facts ma’am” and spare us the drama. Unless you are outlining and framing grievances against someone who hurt you. But keep the adjectives low. This isn’t the National enquirer this is your life in the courtroom and you want to get through this as fast as you can with as little money spent as possible.
“Legal maximums”
“Your signature is the most dangerous legal instrument” it’s about agreeing and acceptance.
“Falsus n uno, falsus n omnibus” means false in one thing, false in everything.
You can have the most perfect contract and one word can completely throw it out of whack and invalidated. Render it void.
“Caveat emptor buyer beware.”
Govern means “control”, Ment means “Mind/mental” or “mind control”
You either control your own mind or somebody else is going to do it for you.
“I don’t believe anything until I’m sticking my finger in the bullet hole”
(The goy blindly believe everything that’s on television and in the newspapers without checking the physical evidence. That’s witchcraft. It’s through constant repetition, suggestion and flat out lies along with the use of neuro-linguistic programming to seduce the audience. It’s hypnosis it’s witchcraft.)
“There is no national debt, we paid in blood” “The money is worthless”
“Never trust a Jew – every interface with a Jew is a liability”
“Politics is idol worship of the jew for the gentile.”
The word pharmaceutical means “to practice witchcraft”. Medicine means “poison” Websters 1954 UnAb. this is one of many ways on how the Jew controls gentiles.
Alcohol is the primary controlling agent. It does so many things by creating a dysfunctional personality and can devolve into all kinds of social and legal problems very quickly. I think there’s more going on with alcohol on a metaphysical level where spirits are now engaging with human bodies. This is my subjective opinion I can’t explain it any other way when somebody has demons.
My FOILs –
“Can you show me the law, cite me the statute, code anything in writing lawfully passed and enacted requiring a driver’s license”
“Can you show me the property tax law that makes me liable and responsible for paying the property tax?”
“Can you show me the law, that constitutionally lawfully established such and such Police department?”
I take this to a notary so they know it’s me and have it notarized. If they don’t answer within a required amount of time, I file a second notarized FOIL. If they don’t answer the second one I file a third one notarized. “THIS IS THE THIRD AND FINAL NOTICE” This shows due diligence.
I keep it very simple and to the point but you have to know which kind of questions to ask. Ones that are binding that have to have cogent answers. You have to choose the correct and legal words that move your position to your favor.