Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club Revisited, March 9, 2025

By RBN March 9, 2025 13:02

Edward Bernays Fluoridates European Reason (original air date: November 7, 2018)

In our Second Hour, Edward Bernays Fluoridates European Reason, we continued with the role of Logic in Fourth and Fifth Generation Warfare systems with a look at the bio-chemical and bio-logical foundations of human psychology and the vulnerabilities exploited in in the Psychological Warfare models of Edward  Bernays.  From the  curses, spells and potions of the Evil Queen archetype in our T3-Copper Era (10,000-4000 B.C.), to the Holy Moly plant that protected Ulysses from the poisoned food and drink of Circe in Homers Odyssey, to the fluoridation of public water supplies after World War II that was mass marketed using the Public Relations tactics developed by Sigmund Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays the host looks the  history of psychoactive chemicals in these modern NWO psychological warfare programs.

By RBN March 9, 2025 13:02
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