Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club Revisited, December 8, 2024

By RBN December 9, 2024 02:26

The second half of –Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club– “JQ Leads Chimpouts From Africa” (original air date: July 18, 2018)

In our Second Hour, JQ Leads Chimpouts From African, we look at the history of Africa.  From the various archeological record models of primate development, to the origins of Homo Sapien (500,000 B.C.), to the development of the various tribes, to the rise of Egyptian civilization, to the earliest exploration, to the slave trade, to the rise of the various colonial and post-colonial African Nations, to the current White Genocide going on under the ANC Government in South Africa we will discuss how the continent of Africa has become a battleground due to subversive jewish New World Order interests in conflict with the interests of everyone else on the continent.

By RBN December 9, 2024 02:26
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  1. blackbird9 December 9, 15:03

    Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club Revisited, December 9, 2024

    Frederick looks at the life and career of jewish Science Fiction Writer Harlan Ellison (1934-2018). From the apocalyptic writings of Hebrew culture in our T2-Iron Era (4000 B.C. – 2000 A.D.), to the early Malthusian doomsday pseudo science of Thomas Robert Malthus in 1798, to the early science fiction writings of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, to the Cultural Marxist demoralization campaign of the early post-nuclear age science fiction writers, to the 1975 release of the film A Boy and His Dog, the host discusses how Harlan Ellison became the epitome of the angry, intransigent jewish supremacist artist and vanguard of the A-Ward Winning (((Modern Maccabee))) World Zionist traitor within movement.

    “Chosen Tellers Visions Of Apocalyptic Futures” (original air date: July 04, 2018)

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  2. MaxxNY December 9, 17:07

    Trump is a sellout. Everybody on RBN talks about the Israeli Jewish problem across the ocean but nobody wants to talk about the stage four Jewish cancer plague in the United States. The only way to deal with this Jewish cancer is to claim property ownership and end property taxes that don’t exist. If we all pay the unlawful property taxes we are slaves to the Jews. But people seem to be content being a slave to the Jew. It’s pointless to discuss anything else You’re all basically waiting for the sheriff to show up. Which there is no constitutional authority for by the way.

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