The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, May 31, 2020 Hour 1
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Two powerful truths from our President today, May 29, 2020. President Trump made it clear that HIS America sees clear-eyed that the tyranny of Red China has imposed its dictatorship on the heretofore free people of Hong Kong, and we
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While we were on the air today, May 27, 2020, I missed an important tweet message from President Trump asking patriots to pray for Rush Limbaugh. I’ve been listening to the link to Limbaugh today. Limbaugh is like the President,
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161 days to go. From this day, May 26, that’s our countdown to November 3, 2020. In that time our leader has a Herculean task. He has to stand our economy back on its feet. And he has to convince
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If the Red Chinese attempt to strangle Hong Kong, could it be possible that the American and British and French food and fuel relief flights of the Berlin Blockade, instituted by the Bolshevik Communists, be repeated? The U.S. had only
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Here’s a website you’re sure to want to add today, May 24, 2020, to your Patriot Bookmarks: That’s the website of a large association of patriotic conservative physicians, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. It’s on that website
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Here’s a website you’re sure to want to add today, May 24, 2020, to your Patriot Bookmarks: That’s the website of a large association of patriotic conservative physicians, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. It’s on that website
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We’ve got a huge double whammy today, May 22, 2020 from the guy who wrote the Art of the Comeback. Whammy #1 is President Trump’s stern pronouncement that “if there is a second wave of the virus we WILL NOT
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Thank you Mr. President for not wearing the stupid mask demanded of you today, May 21, 2020 by the DemonRats of Michigan’s dominatrix governor, Gretchen Whitmer.
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How dumb has the Kung Flu hysteria gotten? Naussau County, New York, Executive Laurie Curran offered the best insane moment this week when she made her official pronouncement, standing on a tennis court, that her approved social distancing for her
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It’s a wonderful thing to behold, here on May 19, 2020, after our President has ENDURED four years of every dirty, evil attack that the left knows so well how to perpetrate….it’s wonderful to behold him defending himself, and us
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“Somebody shouted ‘there’s a light up above’” and twenty men scrambled from a would-be grave. Yes, that was Big Bad John in one of our theme tunes who created that hope. And today, May 18, 2020, a lot of light
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A great thing to do on May 17, 2020 (today) is to find recent videos of interviews with Stanford University Hospital and Hoover Institution doctor and scientist Dr. Scott Atlas. In his interview yesterday with Fox’s Jesse Watters he put
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A great thing to do on May 17, 2020 (today) is to find recent videos of interviews with Stanford University Hospital and Hoover Institution doctor and scientist Dr. Scott Atlas. In his interview yesterday with Fox’s Jesse Watters he put
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“If I were a Senator or Congressman, the first person I would call to testify about the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR, is former President Obama. He knew EVERYTHING. Do it Lindsey
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A big “X” factor unknown today, May 14, 2020, is “how will young people vote on Nov. 3, in just 172 days. There will be exactly four years more of such voters in 2020 than there were in 2016. And
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Good news on May 13, 2020. To me, James Kelso, host of The Trump Phenomenon, it seems that Creepy Joe Biden is going to hang on to the DemonRat nomination. How so? Well, the DemonRats have only 66 days until
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[The first half-hour of the broadcast contains content from Dec. 26, 2019.] A book that’s sure to be written will be this: “The Best of Trump’s Tweets”. This book will include lots of graphics as they appear now (it’s May