Final Hour with Travis, August 2, 2024 Hour 1

By RBN August 2, 2024 23:20

Congratulations to Travis for his recent anniversary of the first show on July 21, 2023!

Episode #51
Tonight we invite Lark in Texas on to discuss communitarian law, Stockholm syndrome, creative destruction and the new economic system, GRIN and a variety of other topics.

We take calls from Lynn in MD and Jeff and Joe in the second hour. This is a great show packed with a lot of information. Be sure to
check out the show links in the description on RBN and in the chat.

The treason of the intellectuals & “The Undoing of Thought”

The New Criterion
December 1992

by Roger Kimball

On the abandonment of Enlightenment intellectualism, and the emergence of a new form of Volksgeist.

When hatred of culture becomes itself a part of culture, the life of the mind loses all meaning.
—Alain Finkielkraut, The Undoing of Thought

Today we are trying to spread knowledge everywhere. Who knows if in centuries to come there will not be universities for re-establishing our former ignorance?
—Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-99)

In 1927, the French essayist Julien Benda published his famous attack on the intellectual corruption of the age, La Trahison des clercs. I said “famous,” but perhaps “once famous” would have been more accurate. For today, in the United States anyway, only the title of the book, not its argument, enjoys much currency. “La trahison des clercs”: it is one of those memorable phrases that bristles with hints and associations without stating anything definite. Benda tells us that he uses the term “clerc” in “the medieval sense,” i.e., to mean “scribe,” someone we would now call a member of the intelligentsia. Academics and journalists, pundits, moralists, and pontificators of all varieties are in this sense clercs. The English translation, The Treason of the Intellectuals, sums it up neatly.

Fear vs. Knowledge

by Alan Phillips, J.D.

Critical Thoughts on Critical Thinking

Aware Community Cognitive Dissonance

January 2024

by Alan Phillips, J.D.

Aware Community Cognitive Dissonance:

No, the U.S. Isn’t a Corporation

by Alan Phillips, J.D.

July 2024

By RBN August 2, 2024 23:20
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  1. MaxxNY August 3, 08:01

    When you are in the hospital you have a right to refuse all medical interventions and they tell you that. It’s the same thing with vaccines you have a right to refuse it. The problem isn’t the Jews the problem is we have a population that has been bred into captivity manipulated by Jews.

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  2. Halfjew August 3, 10:13

    The problem is low IQ,low survival instinct, low in-group preference, low righteous anger, high sodomy, submission to women, anti-christianity,ect.

    But the biggest problem are intolerable cunts, like Lark, Joe and Jeff and most of the callers and all the females on RBN. Don’t lose the show bro, get better content.

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