Immunize Wizely with Ingri Cassel February 15, 2019 Hour 2

By RBN February 15, 2020 21:04

Joy Garner is the founder of The Control Group, a research project that collects health data on entirely unvaccinated people across the country, of which their are only about 3 million remaining in the USA. So far in her studies, the differences in health outcomes between the entirely unvaccinated controls, and the national disease averages, are staggering. Less than 1% of the entirely unvaccinated souls have any health problems at all.

Greg Glaser is lead counsel for Physicians for Informed Consent. He’s responsible for numerous winning briefs filed in pivotal medical freedom cases across the country. He is now acting lead counsel for The Control Group, to head-up the legal team as they file suit in Federal Court this summer to obtain a Nationwide Injunction against vaccine mandates.

Joy –


By RBN February 15, 2020 21:04

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