Immunize Wizely with Ingri Cassel March 11, 2023 Hour 2

By RBN March 11, 2023 22:11

Hour 2 – (cont) guest Treniss Evans finishes his story and tells us more about what he has been doing the past two years since the FBI knocked at his door to interrogate him and terrorize his family. He tells the audience that having the video footage released to Tucker Carlson was a calculated move on the part of the the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees. As we can see, J6 defendants are now demanding access to the tapes as well as everyone else on both the left and the right. Please get involved and write the House and Senate Judiciary committees to demand the exoneration and release of the J6 prisoners. and We took two callers during the last 25 min of the show.

By RBN March 11, 2023 22:11
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