In Plain Sight with Jeremy from Kentucky, August 1, 2024

By RBN August 1, 2024 22:03

Thursday night. The William and Jeremy Show. Christian Zionism and the right wing. With Joe in FL.

By RBN August 1, 2024 22:03
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  1. 1776blues August 3, 16:58

    Jeremy, you really need to stop painting people with a broad brush. I’m a 70 year old boomer and never heard of Hagee or Falwell growing up. Nor did I hear of Christian Zionism. I first heard of Hagee in the early 2000’s when he said Jesus wasn’t the messiah to which I warned my sister not to fall for his BS. Whites will never be united so long and the former alt right continues to punch white! Perhaps this love affair with CZ is a bible belt thing?

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