In Plain Sight with Jeremy from Kentucky, August 12, 2024

By RBN August 12, 2024 22:00

Tonight I cover the beast system that monitors you and I take great calls from Lynn and Vinny.

By RBN August 12, 2024 22:00
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  1. D August 13, 07:26

    The purpose of the substandard cops is to foment chaos. Law abiding political dissidents like your maga Republican will submit to the uniform, the radical BLM types will not even be approached. The large local police force near me is a good example. Tiny 5 foot 100 lb females on patrol, afraid of physical confrontation will go after the guy with his dog off the leash or the soccer mom who rolls through a stop sign while dragging their heels when responding to a robbery in progress. However when you look at their SWAT team they look like blackwater mercenaries, probably because they were. The swat team will be reserved for the real enemies of the state like abortion protestors, pastors who disagree with globohomo, people that don’t pay their taxes etc ..

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