In Plain Sight with Jeremy from Kentucky, May 14, 2024

By RBN May 14, 2024 22:01

The Patrick and Jeremy show live:
The UN set to recognize a Palestinian state, and Iran threatening to build nukes. With caller Vinnni in IN

By RBN May 14, 2024 22:01
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  1. bob88 May 15, 02:16

    A “Palestine” owned by and filled with jews?
    Like south Florida?

    They pulled this same trick when they bought out the UFC.

    They sent in john mccain to call it human cockfighing, and had the GOP outlaw it in every state,

    …until the fertitta’s finally sold it out to jews from hollywood,
    and they legalized MMA in New York 24 hours later.

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  2. bob88 May 15, 07:36

    Its kinda creepy how the jew, frames every political election issue,
    in the form of how much money somebody had.

    It seems like they are looking at it the same way the jew has been behind every war in the world,
    loaning money to both sides, and through that dictating which side they prefer to win.
    Cut off the money to one, and increase a little to the other.

    Instead of anything to do with ISSUES.
    When doesn’t it seem like a legitimate stance on things,
    would simply defeat the wrong one,
    on a stage together in front of everybody.

    But its also creepy becasue all this money they spent,
    on radio and payola and TV spots, all goes into the jews pocket.
    The jew who owns the media.

    So the jew wants politics and issues to be measured and phrased,
    in how much money you are throwing at the jew.

    …how much of the jews own fake usury federal reserve money no less.

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    • Nick May 15, 11:22

      It doesn’t look like they are just loaning money to which side that they would prefer to win but they are the ones creating the narrative from the beginning and already know which “side” is going to win.

      There is a content producer on Odysee named “Charles Guiliani who has two channels called “Truthhertzradio” and “Christiandumb2”.

      Right now, he’s talking about how Hitler, Churchill, and Roosevelt were all Jewish controlled puppets willingly used with the ultimate endgame of attacking the German people(not the government which they control), for the establishment of Israel and there one world government.

      It’s all one big WWE match, all scripted.

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  3. bob88 May 15, 08:32

    So trump is pushing a Syrian race-traitor,
    to start fights with Syria,
    out of Mormon Arizona,
    for his jew master.

    All his New York wealth,
    has only been as a front man for jewish real estate theft,
    for his jewish master. ALL HIS LIFE!

    There is no “other” trump.
    He’s not “getting smarter”.

    Kind of like blaming the person that trump chose himself,
    for “undermining” trump, day one! TRUMP CHOSE THAT!
    That was a TRUMP DECISION, they didn’t choose themselves.
    Probably instructed, BY HIS JEWISH MASTER.

    If you hand pick a seriel killer to watch your kids,
    you dont get a blame it on the person who I put into a position to do it excuse,
    that the seriel killer killed your kids.

    for pretending that trump is INARGUABLY,
    anything OTHER, then exactly WHAT HE IS!

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