In Plain Sight with Jeremy from Kentucky, May 23, 2024

By RBN May 23, 2024 22:09

William and Jeremy Show:
Scouting America has a Christian alternative. And UCLA ANTI-genocide protestors are denied food and water. With calls.

By RBN May 23, 2024 22:09
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  1. Scott from Australia May 24, 01:03

    LOL at ‘Dr Kelly’
    wtf did that even mean.
    I no comprende

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  2. Scott from Australia May 24, 01:36

    Ohhhh so good.
    For years I’ve been having to listen to that Mike guy from blah blah B*ulshit and crap on for hours.
    It’s literally worse than watching paint dry.
    Couldnt give a sh!t about what he’s got to say at all frankly
    I think he may be a bad actor.
    Just saying

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  3. bob88 May 24, 12:54

    “ANTI-genocide protestors are denied food and water.”

    The thing about “PROTESTING”,
    is thats only really enabled and monetized,
    throgh jew control over the police and media.

    Antifa was marching down the street in portland,
    with a police escort, screaming about racist police.

    The protesting phenomena,
    has always just been a jew lead riot,
    from the jews position of money and privilege.

    Immitating that,
    doesn’t work for anybody else.

    What WE have to do,
    is something that works for us.
    WITHOUT, control over the media,
    and WITHOUT, ownership over the police.

    …lets thnk of some alternatives…

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  4. bob88 May 24, 13:04

    And even if you say,
    “Well what about kent state.
    The police slaughtered those protesters”.

    No jews got hurt.

    The jew controls the media,
    to martyr monetize that.
    They totally profited from that.

    If they jew has their police kill you marching around against the jew,
    you just disappear. Like those trump supporters,
    …that he called the cops on himself.

    They’ll just call you a Nazi.

    Protesting was only designed to work from privilege.
    We’ll have to do something more immediate and hands on.

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  5. bob88 May 24, 13:31

    Look at it this way,
    isn’t it obvious that “ISIS” works for limeys and the jew?

    Thats plain to see.

    So thats what we’re up against.
    Those are the kinds of tactics that are against us.

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