In Plain Sight with Jeremy from Kentucky, May 9, 2024

By RBN May 9, 2024 22:10

The William and Jeremy Show:
Current Jewish political paradigm shift to the right, student protests, and the Oct 7th inside job. With ONE great call.

By RBN May 9, 2024 22:10
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  1. bob88 May 10, 04:21

    Which “Right”?
    Right about what?

    If the only REAL ISSUE, is JEW,
    can be traced back to a jew behind it,
    then the actual REAL LINE,
    or every problem in the world,
    is jew,
    and non-jew.

    Anything jew,
    is on the same side of a line.

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  2. bob88 May 10, 04:27

    Even if we say,
    “Well my primary issue is I want a White Europe,
    and a White neighborhood for White children”.

    Thats a jew problem.
    The jew runs open gate scams.
    To start fights between us and somebody else.

    I doubt immigrants or blacks are going to put too much effort into moving places they are unwanted,
    uninvited, next door to people who dont like them.

    The jew sets that up, invites them,
    baits them with free stuff.

    we just have to figure out who keeps letting the jew in.

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  3. bob88 May 10, 05:28

    “If that takes giving up a little immigration…”

    In what way?
    Maybe dubya can explain to the GOP how immigration works. Something about war profits and a free voucher for some cheap gas.

    We probably shouldn’t confuse the GOP playing outraged about something,
    with any intention to do anything about something,
    or they would have a long time ago.

    Those borders have been open since the 1960’s.

    They’ve actually been open ever since somebody opened up the borders into New York at the turn of the century.
    Built a disgusting frenchy statue to it.

    The gates have been open and rigged,
    every since somebody let you know who in,
    from england.

    That a false issue to play victim about that by now.

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