John Stadtmiller’s The National Intel Report with Special Hosts, March 8, 2023 Hour 2

By RBN March 8, 2023 19:00
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  1. Janet March 10, 07:29

    God give me strength..Nathaniel Rothchilds is of the ((commie)) faction and his quotes and statements are scripted!! Useless eater N Rothschild is also a proponent of climate change and the green agenda SO!! Many think Soros is dead so yes you can trust all those quotes. Stupid people have you learned nothing from previous psyops “tRUMP is your savior” a cartoon computer generated Covid is going to kill you” WTFU and trust NOTHING..start from the place it’s bull shit then research to prove its not just more media fear porn, lies, savior programming and distraction. Apparently courts aka the JUdiciary don’t care about facts or evidence they rule on the side of Libtard logic and feelings.

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