PLEASE SUPPORT RBN’s Broadcasts! Have questions or problems?: CLICK HERE or “Read Full Article” below. Let’s address some tips for the Archives! AKA FAQs

By RBN May 29, 2024 23:04

First of all:
Please note that it costs $300/day, $9000+/month, at an average of $20/hour of live programming to operate this network at the level of quality to which we are all accustomed and expect.
Please give now if you can:

Want to listen to the LIVE shows and broadcast?
Turn your mobile device sideways to see the live broadcast streaming player.

We don’t delete comments, but, we DO have to manually approve the first comment(s) from new contributors.

We will approve any comments that appear to be from an actual person…
Please email, if you feel that you are being held up in the queue to be approved to comment, and you will see comments or replies posted immediately, AFTER your IP address is approved…
This is due to the overwhelming amount of spam comments we receive here at RBN.
You must wait for the IP address to be approved for the first comment/reply posted, and then you can post comments and replies freely, without any delay.

RBN Staff

Now on to some other issues…

For starters we’ll just set a few things here that may be most relevant, and elaborate further in the future:

  • Click ‘Read Full Article‘ or simply click the Title for the hour (i.e. The National Intel Report with John Statmiller, January 1, 2012) to see the post with a full description.
  • You can listen to RBN live by clicking on the player at the top of the screen on the main page or in ‘Categories’, BUT if you’re on a mobile device you will need to rotate the screen to horizontal (or click ‘Desktop View’ in your phone/device menu for settings for the page).
  • CAN’T SEE LATEST SHOWS? Be sure to refresh the page/site or swipe down from the top of your screen if you’re on a mobile device.

We’ll add more tips and updates here as needed so check back every now and then, and please enjoy the archives and podcasts!

Thanks for your support and patronage!

By RBN May 29, 2024 23:04
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  1. Halfjew May 30, 08:59

    Yeah, nobody wants to talk to me. Bunch of loxist-antisemites. Waah 😭

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  2. Halfjew May 31, 17:28

    Hi. Thanks. I needed that. Now I’m good to go 👍

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  3. Gerry NJ May 31, 17:32

    Yes, I use the archives since I am unable to listen to RBN daily due to my goofy work-schedule and inability to have an affordable Internet connection 24/7 per year. I hope RBN survives! I wish I could purchase RBN myself and keep it going! Good shows, good information and good people using and supporting RBN!

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  4. Bob June 2, 06:07

    Your live feed’s always skip stutter and hiccup! I have very good optic fiber internet. This makes it unlistenable for live show. Btw RBN is the only show that has this skipping in audio

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    • RBN Author June 12, 16:42

      Let us know exactly which link or player you are using and we should be able to help.

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  5. AU79DOG June 3, 00:18

    Does anyone know what happened to scorpio?

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    • RBN Author June 12, 16:39

      This has been addressed several times: Scorpio has decided to not to do live radio/broadcasting; at the least he is taking a break and no longer live on RBN.

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  6. Halfjew June 4, 10:11

    Damn I’m tired of you retards who cry about genocide of non-whites. This is why whites will go extinct. The only good thing Jews have ever done is kill Muslims. You could learn from that. A dead Muslim kid at least might go to heaven before Satan gets him. Yahweh/Jesus told you to eradicate all heathens that practice pedarasty sodómy, bestiality, kidnapping, blasphemy, human sacrifice, murder and enslavement of Christians, ect.

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    • CoolMalt June 23, 08:21

      Who knows who will go to heaven? We will find out when we die. You have to judge people based on their individual actions rather than their color or religion.

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      • Halfjew June 23, 14:41

        The innocent and who believe and repent will have eternal life.
        Islam is satanic militant cult that wants to convert or kill anyone who isn’t in their cult. Like talmudic Judaism bestiality and child rape and sodomy is legal. The fake religion is blasphemy also. God told you the penalty for these crimes is death. How are loving your neighbor of your ancestors when you allow pedarasts rape and kill everything that moves in that neighborhood and slander the Most High God? Such people/neighbors (whites) deserve to go extinct as much as Jews and Muslims because not only are to they complicit, they are treacherous cowards.

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  7. Misty June 30, 14:57

    Mike, can you address why the archives are slow to be posted on Sundays?

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  8. CreatioExNihilo July 2, 02:31

    Where’s Robert Reyvolt’s Tee shirt. He says on the RBN web site. Maybe that part doesn’t display on my phone?

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